Juan Gabarron

Был в сети 15:14:27 14.12.2015 с браузера
en busca de una mujer para compartir la vida
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Salt
Skype: desalt.desalt
VK: id318103260
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: индифферентные
Мировоззрение: Catolicismo
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни: семья и дети
Отн. к курению: резко негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: нейтральное
Личные интересы
О себе: VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!!!! : Before answering, read my profile! Very important: I do not speak Russian or Ucranian, I live in Spain, I only speak Spanish and some English Serious Offer respond if you are interested in the proposal I'm not a millionaire, I'm just honest worker, who live on wages if they expect to find a rich and powerful man, I'm not the person you are looking for. I'm divorced, I have two children, now for me the most important thing in life. But thinking ahead, I understand that it will always be. Not better or worse than the others, I'm just a man, with their advantages and disadvantages. I noticed (not without bumps and bruises) that life, to share with another person. I did not change the world but do not want the world to change me. For relationships and marriage, seeking a woman 40-52 years. You must be willing to come and live in Spain and to understand or be predisposed to learn Spanish. For mutual knowledge, traveling to Spain for two weeks, to live in my house, I give 50% of the rest of the trip, 50% will be paid by you. After marriage and the requirements established by Spanish law, the Spanish citizenship is obtained, if necessary.

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