Draco Malfoy

Был в сети 12:07:33 14.02.2010 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 31 Августа 1992
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: есть подруга
VK: id33055806
Факультет: Slytherin
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студент (специалист)
City of Westminster College 2004-2011 класс " 7"специализация: Magic art's

Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: I disbelieve
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Hi! I'm studing in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Now, I'm at the 6class at the top(7classes tops), My loved faculty is a Slytherin. I love my faculty's friends.Very intresting in my Quidditch command., My best friend-is my life, and I'm thaks at them
Интересы: I loved music, dance, animals, the poem.Watch films and playing with me and my friends.Love cycling.I'm the fanat of Quidditch.Lov's Quidditch command are PP.Itresting my faculty., Some times, i love writting the poems, and love some times reading the book...I very-very Love sinning
Любимые фильмы: It's Harry Potter(sevents parts), Pirate of Carribean(3 parts), Hostell, The charmed, mm...Harry Hoodenie..., It's are mistake and fantazing...., Lov's the secrets film at the action magic, mistik or fantaszy
Любимые телешоу: Sorry, but i don't wathing....At the Hogwarts the electrics don't work..., Every day I'm play at the court, or reading at the liblary
Любимые книги: Harry Potter(7 parts), Big life in big city, Out at last, Magic begin, Real side of love
Любимые игры: Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!, Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!, Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!, Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!, Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!, Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!Quidditch!!!!
О себе: Hi!I'm Scorpi.Scorpi Malfoy--it's Slytherin boy,who does this faculty been great and not serious.He is wery cool and beautiful,he is a sportsman,who winner cup faculty and Quidditch.It's little devil,because it wants everything and at once.All right prophetic, it is decent and very kind man.But there are moments, when it to become cool and wicked.It dzhentel'men and slob.Muscular and brave, but in also time it is an egoist.In the real life Scorpi kind.Its character is known as a reflection became.It is very indifferent.
Любимые цитаты:
Say me anything,and i can see you

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