Scot Armstrong

Был в сети 05:05:06 14.12.2021 с телефона
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 30 Июня 1972
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Huntsville
VK: id36406908
Место учёбы: University of Alabama
Факультет: College of Commerce & Business Administration
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Студент (бакалавр)
Год окончания: 1995
Old school of rock))) специализация: Global Business Management

Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: консервативные
Мировоззрение: Agnostic
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Boating, fishing, skiing, SCUBA, disc golf, racquetball, camping, hiking
Интересы: Being outside and meeting new people
О себе: I am looking to meet some new people. I have a 3 year old son who is AWESOME! However, I am ready for some adult company that I enjoy too. I am a certifiable genuine gentleman! I like to be outside and active and I enjoy any outdoor activities, especially camping, boating, skiing, fishing, and disc golf. Get me near water and call me a happy camper! I graduated from Alabama and love having people over to watch the football games during the fall and grilling out amongst good company. I have a good time at whatever I do. The glass is half full. I have a good sense of humor and like to goof around. I am pretty laid back and tend to stay away from drama. Please be the same way if you choose to get in touch with me.

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