Dero Goi

Был в сети 00:09:43 16.11.2015 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 16 Апреля 1970
Пол: Мужской
Город: Wolfsburg
VK: id3684185
Личные интересы
Деятельность: vocals, lyrics, drums, compositions, stage-show
Любимые фильмы: Citizen Kane, Der Pate 1&2, Schrei in der Stille, dancer in the dark, Der Dieb von Bagdad (1940), Die 3 Musketiere (1948), Nosferatu with murnau, Nosferatu with kinski, Ist das Leben nicht schön? with James Steward, Ed Wood with Johnny Depp, natural born killers, hitchcock`s Psycho, Was geschah wirklich mit baby Jane? with Bette Davis, Schindlers Liste, Indiana Jones-trilogie, Alien-trilogie, american history, xmission, Wie ein wilder Stier, Der alte Mann und das Meer with Spencer Tracy, dead men walking, all of stan + ollie, the pipi langstrumpf-films, das Piano, Life of Brian
Любимые книги: anne sexton: liebesgedichte/verwandlungen, patrick süsskind: das parfum, jostein gaarder: sofies welt, marlo morgan: traumfänger, gitta sereny: schreie die keiner hört, grimms märchen, all the writings of marx and engels, all the writings of sartre and nietzsche, all the writings of brecht, benn, trakl and jandl, the bible, the koran, the columns of buddhism, Actually I like every religious book. In my opinion it is very spectacular if a book is relevant for several thousand years.
О себе: I'm not real!
Любимые цитаты:
Your care was my care, my care was your care. If you had not any joy, I also could not have any. (Berthold Brecht)

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