Олави Ягго

Был в сети 21:09:34 26.03.2025 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 10 Мая 1970
Пол: Мужской
Город: Таллин
Skype: olavi.jaggo
VK: id37693348
Место учёбы: Tartu Ülikool
Факультет: Õigusteaduskond
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр)
Год окончания: 1999
Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasium (1. Keskkool) 1985-1988 класс "б"
Личные интересы
Деятельность: юрист переводчик преподаватель
Любимые цитаты:
I think you've got a low self opinion man I see you standing all by yourself Unable to express the pain of your distress You withdraw deeper inside You alienate yourself and everybody else They wonder what's on your mind They got so tired of you and your self-ridicule They wrote you off and left you behind You sleep alone at night You never wonder why All this bitterness wells up inside you You always victimize So you can criticize Yourself and all those around you The hatred you project Does nothing to protect you You leave yourself so exposed You want to open up When someone says lighten up You find all you doors closed Get yourself a break from self rejection Try some introspection And you just might find It's not so bad and anyway At the end of the day All you have is yourself and your mind You sleep alone at night You never wonder why All this bitterness wells up inside you You always victimize So you can criticize Yourself and all those around you You've got a low self opinion man I see how it breaks you down I see how it messes you around The self hatred that Binds you, blinds you, grinds you, keeps you down Your world falls down around you You build up walls around you You wear disgust like a crown Oh, yeah, hear me! If you could see the you that I see When I see you seeing me You'd see yourself so differently Believe me If you could see the you That I see when I see you You'd see yourself so differently I assure you I know the self doubt that runs inside your mind I know the self doubt that treats you so unkind If you could see the you that I see When I see you seeing me You'd see yourself so differently Believe me (Rollins Band / Low Self Opinion)

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