Katsuie Shibata

Была в сети 07:05:28 03.04.2019 с браузера
Кацуиэ Сибата / BBP = BASARA Bushi Party~!
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 21 Сентября 1988
Пол: Женский
VK: katsucopter
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: индифферентные
Мировоззрение: Secular Humanism
Главное в людях: ум и креативность
Главное в жизни: саморазвитие
Отн. к курению: резко негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное
Вдохновляют: Hanbei Takenaka, Tomoya Kuratani, Dan Brown, Victor Hugo, Dante Alighieri, Publius Vergilius Maro, George Orwell, Brad Meltzer, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Buy and Sell Business, Japan Surplus, Toy Collecting
Интересы: Action Figures, Classical Literature, Crocodiles, Frogs, Lisa Frank, Samurai, Shounen Anime, Stationery, Stickers, Turtles, Unicorns
Любимые фильмы: A Clockwork Orange, Brokeback Mountain, Bunraku, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, Deadpool, Dracula, Equilibrium, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Sengoku Basara: The Last Party, Ted
Любимые телешоу: Adam Ruins Everything, American Dad, American Ninja Warrior, Ancient Aliens, Angie Tribecca, B-Densetsu! Battle B-Daman, B-Densetsu! Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits, BakuTech! Bakugan, BakuTech! Bakugan Gachi, Bakuchou Renpatsu! Super B-Daman, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Bakugan Gundalian Invaders, Bakugan Mechtanium Surge, Bakugan New Vestroia, Bakukyuu Hit! Crash B-Daman, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002, Bomberman Jetters, Beyblade Burst, Beyblade G-Revolution, Beyblade V-Force, Black Lagoon, Cross Fight B-Daman, Cross Fight B-Daman eS, DRAMAtical Murder, Encantadia, Encantadia (2016), Family Guy, Impractical Jokers, Masterchef US, Masterchef US Junior, Metal Fight Beyblade, Metal Fight Beyblade Zero G, Monochrome Factor, Prison School, Regular Show, Sailor Moon Crystal, Sengoku Basara JUDGE END, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings 2, Sleepy Hollow, The World's Dumbest, Togainu no Chi ~ bloody curs, Top 20 Countdown, Wayward Pines
Любимые книги: Aeneid, Bakukyuu Hit! Crash B-Daman (Manga), Cross Fight B-Daman: Legendary Phoenix, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, Divergent Trilogy, Homer's Illiad, Love at the Time of Cholera, Taiko: An Epic Novel of War and Glory in Feudal Japan, The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Paradiso, Purgatorio, Turtle and Me
Любимые игры: Bayonetta, Catherine, Chaos Legion, Devil Kings, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Sengoku Basara 2, Sengoku Basara 3 Utage, Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi, Sengoku Basara Sanada Yukimura Den, Sengoku Basara:Samurai Heroes, Soulcalibur IV, Soulcalibur V, Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion, Tekken 7, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Togainu no Chi True Blood
О себе: The Sengoku Basara and Bakugan super fan~! I identify as Heterosexual, Female and Anti-Social Justice Warrior. My pronouns are She/ Her/Herself (English) and Ore (Japanese). I'm in my early 30s and still single. LOL. I don't have the time and money to invest in fulfilling society's moral conceit with regards to having obligatory romantic relationships just so that I can eventually tell the whole world how botched up the relationship turned out to be and just so for the sake of fishing out for likes and sympathy in social media. So if you're snooping around my page looking for a girlfriend ~ an Otaku girlfriend that is; buzz off. You're definitely way creepier than Katsuie Shibata himself but chances are, you don't look as good as him (too bad!) :P
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The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. - Victor Hugo

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