Aleksandr Snegov

Был в сети 09:08:15 26.04.2024 с телефона
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Основная информация
Дата рождения: 26 Декабря
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Skype: aleksandr_snegov
VK: id385517854
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: Православие
Главное в жизни: карьера и деньги
Отн. к курению: компромиссное
Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное
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Интересы: Business, investment, charity, stocks, money, gold, passive income, leadership, career, meetings, conferences, trainings, studies, books, tours, insurance, Forex, currencies, economy, politics, communication, familiarity, confidence, leader, champion, partnership, assistance, day, night, UAE, Turkey, USA, CIS, Russia, silence, peace, freedom, kindness, honesty, humor, cheerfulness, courage, perseverance, power, wealth, beauty, intelligence, health, motivation, creativity, family, children, career, money, entertainment, leisure, research, improving the world, planet, sky, earth, science, self-development, beauty, art, fame, personality, influence, spiritual growth, financial freedom, team, assistance team, people, people, good people, honest people, own business, entrepreneur, independence, democracy, video recording, personal growth, personal development, animals, inflation, assets, R. Kiyosaki, mlm business, network marketing, personal growth, personal development, mentoring, iwowwe, wowwe, investing, e-commerce, ISIF, blogging, marketing, psychology, assets, training, passive income online multi level marketing passive income without investment, network marketing 2.0, creating passive income, income through Internet, network marketing, development, self-development, success, personal brand development, seminars, books, affiliate program, mentor, MLM, most importantly residual income, pretty girls, clubs, cars, and much more.
О себе: Don't judge things by their outward form. — Look at their essence. Do not promise what can not perform.- Weigh their options Do not presume the first arms. — Solve the dispute by peaceful means. Do not shift the responsibility to others — Correct their mistakes.Don't follow the actions of others if they think wrong. — have an opinion. Don't teach others what you do not understand yourself. — Tame pride. Don't take what I don't need. — Live needs.Not do the job for others. — Answer only for himself. Do not impose their views. — I know that everyone has the right to choose. Do not let bad thoughts in my head. — Think about the good to get rid of the bad and then discard both. Don't expect praise for your good deeds.- Do good selflessly. I do not regret what never was. — Sincere towards themselves. Not looking for excuses. — I find the way to solve the problem. Do not make hasty actions. — Plan their actions in advance. Do not interfere in the Affairs of others. — Deal with her.Don't show a good location, if it is not. — to say no. Do not bring any harm to the wildlife.- Remember that the earth is a mother. Do not take anything on loan. — Counting on a life of its own. Don't plan children if you fail to educate them. — Measure your power head. Not doing their job somehow. — Conscientious. Do not solve several problems at once. — Focused on doing one. Don't think about the past with sadness. — Live in the present, looking to the future.Sub-menu not the love of sentimentality. — Throw a pity, if the love is gone. Do not touch someone else's good. — Losing someone else's thing give their three. Not telling the truth. — I know that a lie has no power. Do not discuss the actions of others. — Calm your feelings. Do not insist on the answer. — I ask, without going into personal life.Do not betray the one who believes in me. Responsible. Don't demean others to raise themselves. — Remember what it says about the weakness. Not afraid of defeat. — Go forward to the target.Don't complain to others on their lives. — Change it for the better. Not explain anything to those who will not be able to understand it. I do not envy anything. — Succeed on their own. Don't look down on people. — Give them the opportunity to become better. Don't judge a large, knowing small. — Follow the path gradually. Don't do to others what you wished would imagine. — Remember that everything is connected

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Роман ВиноходовСергей ЧуприненкоКирилл БурмистровАзалия ХайруллинаМаксим ЕвменовСветлана ОлеговнаМакс БрянцевЮра МорозDELETED Андрей ПетровскийСерёга ДурягинВладимир СавельевТатьяна ЛемаеваЮрий ЯковлевИрина МитрофановаТихон ХренниковВиктория РоманенкоЮра БаранецькийАлексей МартыновДмитрий СаловСибирский СибирякСергей УколовВасилий БагаевАлександр МищенкоСергей ШевагаИрина МеркуловаАндрій ВасютаАндрей МолчановНикита КовринАня ШатоваНаталья ПасхинаАлександр КоневИлюха РасчисловМагір НазаровИгорь ГригорьевМаксим НикитинОльга МоисеенкоАртем БаранивськийДанила КозловскийВладимир БилоусИван КозловскийВиталий СвятенкоВладимир ПервухинАнтон ВасильевVal StrDELETED Наталья КопытоваВиталий КортиковLazizbek LazizovЖанна УзгорскаяАлексей ДаденковОльга БеловаАндрей ПатрикеевМихаил ШушаковРуслан АвдеевКонстантин КритВячеслав ЛогиновMaksim SklyarАнтон СеменовВладимир АносовVladimir YakovlevИзбиби БаткамбаеваВадим ФриккельСергей РазбежкинСергей ТюринЕгор МарченкоGiorgi GobozoviИрина БелоусоваВаня ДідушкоДенис КоноваловАндрей ГорбачевМария ШульцЕвгений СмирновЯков ДвоскинЕкатерина КуликМакс ТюкшаИван ЕфиновMarwen MiledВладислав ГрандДенис БойковРуслан ВойтукевичСергій РоманюкЮрий СеменютинYuliya YurievaDELETED Татьяна ДмитриеваСаня ЛипчакМолодежь РегионNcis NcisЮрий ПодъяблонскийNicolaie VrabiiМакс КривичМаринка ПоляковаЮрий БелоусовКристина ЗинюкВладимир ПалеевВиталий ТолмачевМарина ВаснинаНиколай МедведевМакс ЛитвиненкоЕлена СитниковаВарламова НаталияРавиля НуритдиноваОлег ГромскийМайкл КозыревОлечка АндреевскаяМария АнтоноваMama KatiaВалерий КорневOlly LorensАнатолий НайденовНиколай ПлотниковДмитрий ЛутковЕвгений КузнецовОлег ЗагревскийВладимир МарковОлег ПолтавцевAdrian BobrovskyiРоза ГараеваСемён ПетлюраАлександр ДзыгалЕгор ВысоцкийДима ДанияловСлава ХильченкоСергей ИвановАсель СапарбаеваИван ИвановЛюбашка ПуговкинаВася ПупкинВалерий ГромовРуслан ЗапорожецьВиктор КругловЕлена ЧепиковаЛеша СилаевДмитрий ТябринArtyom PetrosyanТрейлер ПаркAlen SardaryanЕкатерина ШиловаАндрей КасьяновJeka BeeУльяна ПетроваIgor IgorjНиколай БелловЛена ЛеночкаАзат МавлиевРоман ЛогиновЕлена МариновскаяЛюдмила МишинаТаня МагметАнастасия НовиковаАнжелика КошкинаVlad KolomoetsВиктор КопыловИгорь ДмитриевАндрей НиколаевичНаурыз КуанышГлеб ОстроглядовОлег ГавриловБогдан ЙовановичNatalia StoyanovaКристина АнтоноваЖанна СудаковаДиана ИзмайловаВаля КрасулинаНик ВишневскийNicoleta RusuAlexander AlexanderМакс Переверзин

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