Глеб Багнюк

Был в сети 11:34:53 23.03.2025 с android
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 27 Августа 2005
Пол: Мужской
Город: Владивосток
VK: maedd
Место учёбы: ДВФУ
Жизненная позиция
Отн. к курению: резко негативное
Вдохновляют: Музыка, Люди
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Everybody talks to me like I'm the one, you know, I should change. Why should I change? I've never even got to find out who I am. You want me to change? That's crazy. You tell me I'm bad before I even get to be anything. What the hell is that? Original sin or something? -Hey… -I don’t know, I… Could you get that shit out of here, please? -Get rid of what? -I don’t know. I don’t know. -The food? -I feel really weird. -You want me to get rid of the food? Patrick! -No -Hey, you want me to take you to the hospital? -No. I don’t know. -Do you want me to call your friends? -I don’t know. -What do you want me to do? -I don’t know. I don’t know. -Where you headed? -Back home -Uh huh. When were you born? -1996 -And where were you before that? -Sorry? -Where were you before that? -Where was I before I was born?... My mom and dad. I, I don't know. -Says you were born 1996. Where'd you come before that? -I wasn't anywhere, I didn't existed. -But you had to have been somewhere. -But you have to exist to be somewhere and I didn't exist yet. -So where did you not exist before you started existing? -I existed nowhere. -Uh huh. And what were you doing in nowhere? -Nothing, I wasn't there. -You were doing nothing in nowhere as nobody? -You don't have to be so harsh about it. -Okay. What's your final destination? -Going home. -What are your plans when you get there? -Nothing. -Anybody waiting for you back home? -No one. -And where are you going after you get home? -Nowhere. -Uh huh. And where's nowhere? -I don't know. -What do you know? -Nothing. -Alright. Welcome home. Through those doors. -Passport please. -Oh yeah. ...

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