Radu Eftodi

Был в сети 02:53:07 02.09.2024 с браузера
Inspired by People | Driven by Passion
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 3 Ноября 1973
Пол: Мужской
Город: Кишинев
Skype: radu.eftodi
VK: reftodi
Место учёбы: Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei (UTM, ТУМ)
Факультет: Facultatea calculatoare, informatică şi microelectronică (Вычислительной техники, информатики и микроэлектроники)
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр)
Год окончания: 1996
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: Secular Humanism
Главное в людях: юмор и жизнелюбие
Главное в жизни: наука и исследования
Отн. к курению: негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: негативное
Вдохновляют: People
Личные интересы
Интересы: Automatic control. Complex adaptive systems. Autonomous intelligence. Artificial Intelligence for decision making. Decision Support Systems. Cognitive & Neural Systems. Cognitive science. Fundamental organizational principles of the human brain. Physiology. Neurobiology. Molecular sciences. Functional medicine
О себе: Inspired by people. Driven by passion.
Любимые цитаты:
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple.", Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.", Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays, Vol. II: 1926-1929 "Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.", Mario Fernandez. The sleep of reason produces monsters, Francisco Goya "Strategic mistakes cannot be compensated by tactical successes.", Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz, "On War". "The unexamined life is not worth living.", Socrates "Learning never exhausts the mind.", Leonardo da Vinci. “I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.”, Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. I, Dec. 1776. "Do not sell your heart for gold and jewels. Know that the hugest diamond is the Sun. Fortunately, it shines for all.", —Charlie Chaplin. Letter to his daughter Geraldine.

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