Zhe Jing

Была в сети 17:57:27 26.04.2023 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 10 Марта 1980
Пол: Женский
Skype: sunbirdarts
VK: sunbirdarts
Личные интересы
Интересы: art, music
О себе: SunBirdArts created in 1996, our art studios make the production, development, design, planning, sales and service as our whole body. All paintings can be satisfied by the different community's requirement. We can offer personalized customized services and standardized oil painting replication business. In here, you can searching for the perfect artworks. Our website is simple and easy to purchase your favorite paintings, you can order any artworks that you would like. Our studio have many of outstanding artists who have the professional skills, who represent the highest standards in the field of art. we will strive to guarantee the leading position of “SunBirdArts” in the art field. The all of oil paintings were hand painted by our outstanding painter. The types of oil painting include portrait painting , Figure ,landscape, flowers ,animals, nude ,birds .The style of oil painting as realism, abstract, ornament , modern, classical, impression and etc. We do all kinds of artworks include oil portrait, masterpieces reproductions, original oil paintings, pencil drawing, watercolor painting and etc. Our artworks around the world, many art wholesalers and individual customers order the paintings from us. Respect for the Individual, Customer Service and Strive for Excellence.” They are our three basic maxims . SunBirdArts is the outstanding quality and noble brand , SunBirdArts was build, the oil painting of SunBirdArts also confirmed that the all of the artworks from us has the excellent quality, Our traditional areas requested by the production of various types of high-quality customer exquisite hand painted oil paintings, the hand painted oil paintings are pure products from hand painted. We offer personalized service for each customer. Our oil paintings around the world, many customers import oil painting from us. Our customers have from the“US,UK,Germany,Franceand etc. Credibility is the foundation of our reputation, we will be honest and equal expectations and the attitude of every new and old customers work together, hand in hand, create great achievements. We have consistently to meet customer's requirement for the center, and fully respect the customer needs, provide customers with high quality hand painted oil painting and services that best fit customer needs. Our purpose and aim is to provide high quality oil painting and high value services. As a professional hand painted oil painting studio. We offer our customer the good quality oil painting,in the same time,offer an outstanding after-sale service for them. Contact us: E-mail: order@buy-painting.com Site: http://www.buy-painting.com Custom oil painting at http://www.oil-painting-china.com

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