Al Bojko

Был в сети 05:08:35 30.07.2017 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 18 Мая 1989
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: женат
Город: New York City
VK: id432712906
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: Catholicism
Главное в людях: власть и богатство
Главное в жизни: семья и дети
Отн. к курению: компромиссное
Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное
Вдохновляют: my father
Личные интересы
Деятельность: hobbies, online businesses, blogging, marketing, advertising, work from home
Интересы: business, blogging, marketing, advertising
Любимые фильмы: action movies, sad movies, romantic
Любимые телешоу: the walking dead, fear the walking dead
Любимые книги: poetry, greek mythology
Любимые игры: I don't play games
О себе: My name’s Al Bojko, I’m a 28-year-old full-time electrician and I simply love the industry I grew up in and became a part of, since it did run in the family, haha! I’ve been happily married for roughly 2 years now and I simply love it! I’m also an online marketer that enjoys sharing my experiences and expertise in various affiliate marketing, blog promotions, and business opportunities. Anyways, I joined Wealthy Affiliate in an attempt to supplement and make an online income that I can than possibly turn into a full-time business. I look to offer my expertise in anything electrical such as electrical wiring, alarm or burglary services or pretty much anything that has to do with wires. I hope that the information that I do provide on my website would in fact educate individuals that would learn something of value. I look forward to also blogging about various other topics as I embark on this journey to success.
Любимые цитаты:
"If you do it, you shall exceed"

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