Kristoffer Fernandez

Был в сети 21:29:34 28.06.2016 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 15 Июня
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Cebu City
VK: toffeetranquilizer
Место учёбы: California State University, Los Angeles
Факультет: College of Health and Human Services
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Выпускник (специалист)
Год окончания: 2007
California Condors High 1999-2003 класс " 9"
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: либеральные
Мировоззрение: Roman Catholic
Личные интересы
Деятельность: GEOS International Language School, American International School, poisOn-free poLicy, hiStory bOyz, PeopleSupport, Inc. [purchasing], yOUth foR chRiSt, gAmma bEta siGma (sALus pOpuLi sUpREma LeX eSto), haRAmbE inC., mAkE LovE nOt wAR orG., mOhAwk tRiBe, SininG mArAndAwan enSembLe (SME), wEtfEcEs gUiLd @ mObiUs.pH, neveR shaRe neeDLes, waR aGainst juDas, my fraGiLe whisPer, and enjOy the acCidenT.
Интересы: harDcore danCin' [tWo-step, runhouSes & kicKbacKs, fLoor-punchiN', spiN-that-LimB, circLe pit of deatH, moSh cartwheeL], straiGht edGe, poSteRz, sCream-roAr-growL, skiMmed miLk, jeSus chriSt, winDow shOppinG, bLaHbLaH xoxo!
Любимые фильмы: my bLueberry nigHts, maKe it happeN, son of ramboW, rocKet scienCe, stranGer thaN fictioN, charmeD, criminaL minds, mirroRs, saw I-II-III-IV-V, borDerLand, insanitariuM, one Last kiSs, the unDerdog, get smarT, hancocK, zoHan, the hiLLz have eyez, hiTman, matcHsticK men, i aM saM, B13, prisOn breAk, subLime, dR. hOuse, fraGiLes, runninG sCared, the departeD, grEys anAtOmy, mASteR oF aLL diSgUiSe, mR. dEeDs, rEmemBeR thE titAnS, euRotRip, hOuSe Of wAx, mAdaGascaR, siN ciTy, mR. & mRs. sMith, dEuCe biGaLOw [euRopEan giGoLo], wiCkeR paRk, LoRds oF doGtOwn, anD shUttEr.
Любимые телешоу: miDwEek mAdnESs, ripLey's, viVa La bAm, cRiBs, OnE bAd tRip, wiLdbOyz, bOiLinG pOint, j-sOn LovEs 2 hAte U, niGhtmaRe befOrE chRiStmaS, invaDer Zim, a baThing APE anD jOhnny the hOmiCidaL maniC.
Любимые книги: The Power of Positive Thinking [Norman Vincent Peale], Caffeine for the Creative Mind [Stefan Mumaw], Law of AttraCtion [Michael Losier], As a Man Thinketh [James Allen], Building a Life of Value [Jason A. Merchey], Way of the Peaceful Warrior [Dan Millman], The Five People You Meet in Heaven [Mitch Albom], The Alchemist [Paulo Coelho], pateRnAL anD chiLdiSh hEaLth nuRsinG [Pilliteri]
Любимые игры: parKour, hOcKey, dEviL mAy cRy, rOSe'onLinE, RF onLinE, siLkrOaD, tAntRa, DOTA, skaTeBoardinG, sKy diVinG, and snowboarDing.
О себе: im edge, im christian, i play drums & guitar, im in love, im bane, i have a heart, i have my ambitions, and im Good-Clean-Fun. POSI(n); A youth movement similar to straight edge, promoting proactiveness, good well-being, a drug-free atmosphere, and a general "positive" outlook.
Любимые цитаты:
"|if you meet the infidels (in battle) deal blows at their necks. Let your attitude to the crusaders be as the line of poetry: There is no reproach between me and you except the stabbing of kidneys and the chopping of heads.|"

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