John Cena

Был в сети 17:14:56 07.10.2011 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 23 Апреля 1977
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: женат
Город: West Newbury
VK: id46553766
Место учёбы: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton West)
Факультет: Business Administration
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Аспирант
Год окончания: 1997
Chyiskaya 1 1983-1994 класс "а"
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: ???
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Wresler WWE RAW, Smack Down and american actor
Интересы: Wresling
Любимые фильмы: My life, 12 rounds
Любимые телешоу: Wresling mania
Любимые книги: I am legends
Любимые игры: WWE RAW, Smack Down
О себе: Date of Birth 23 April 1977, West Newbury, Massachusetts, USA Birth Name John Felix Anthony Cena Nickname Prototype Dr. of Thuganomics The Franchise The Marine The Champ Chain Gang Super Cena Height 6' 1" (1.85 m) Mini Biography John Felix Anthony Cena or better known as John Cena, the WWE superstar was born on April 23rd, 1977 in West Newbury, Massachusetts. When he was in college, he played football. He then continued on to be a bodybuilder and a limousine driver. The 6-foot-1 tall star weighs exactly at 240 pounds and is a very successful superstar in the WWE. The Dr. of Thuganomics started training to be a wrestler at Ultimate Pro Wrestling where he also created the character, The Prototype. Cena fist appeared on WWE in a match against Kurt Angle on the 27th of June, 2002 The Dr. of Thuganomics started training to be a wrestler at Ultimate Pro Wrestling where he also created the character, The Prototype. Cena fist appeared on WWE in a match against Kurt Angle on the 27th of June, 2002 The Dr. of Thuganomics started training to be a wrestler at Ultimate Pro Wrestling where he also created the character, The Prototype. Cena fist appeared on WWE in a match against Kurt Angle on the 27th of June, 2002 The Dr. of Thuganomics started training to be a wrestler at Ultimate Pro Wrestling where he also created the character, The Prototype. Cena fist appeared on WWE in a match against Kurt Angle on the 27th of June, 2002 which ended up with him losing. In 2004, John Cena's status as a celebrity began to develop. Cena won the United States Championship from Big Show. Not too long later, Cena lost the title but he gained it back soon. Cena then lost the title again to fellow WWE superstar, Carlito. During that time, Cena apparently got stabbed in the kidney by one of Carlito's bodyguard. This resulted him to stay out of action for a month. In 2005 and 2006 respectively, Cena has made a few controversies. He had a feud with champion John Bradshaw Layfield, manager Eric Bischoff and fellow wrestler Chris Jericho. Cena also made feuds with Edge and Umaga at that time. But even so, some friendships were formed. Cena is said to be friends with Carlito after they won a match with Jeff Hardy against Edge, Randy Orton and Johnny Nitro. The year 2007 became a big year for Cena as he got involved in a wrestling match with Britney Spears' ex and rap star, Kevin Federline. John ended up losing that match thanks to some assistance from Umaga to Kevin Federline. Later that night, Cena took revenge by body slamming Kevin Federline backstage. The year 2007 also started pretty well for John Cena as he became the first person to defeat the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga that year. The Chain Gang Soldier also teamed up with Shaun Michaels defeating the RKO tag team, Randy Orton and Edge. The match ended up with Cena and Michaels winning. As of October 2007, Cena lost his WWE Championship title because of an injury. While wrestling against Mr. Kennedy, Cena tore his pectoral muscle while executing a hip toss. Eventhough he finished the match and completed the rest of the scripted event, check up the next day found out that John's pectoral major muscle was torn completely from the bone, requiring seven months to a year rehabilitation. Because of not being able to perform, WWE's CEO, Vince McMahon stripped As of October 2007, Cena lost his WWE Championship title because of an injury. While wrestling against Mr. Kennedy, Cena tore his pectoral muscle while executing a hip toss. Eventhough he finished the match and completed the rest of the scripted event, check up the next day found out that John's pectoral major muscle was torn completely from the bone, requiring seven months to a year rehabilitation. Because of not being able to perform, WWE's CEO, Vince McMahon stripped As of October 2007, Cena lost his WWE Championship title b
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