Asa Son-Jarl

Был в сети 23:57:56 03.06.2018 с браузера
Greetings. I`m a Viking. From Denmark/Norway, whose currently living in Russia. Seeking friends who speaks tiny English also. I`m new here!
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 10 Ноября
Пол: Мужской
Город: Copenhagen
VK: id485907917
Место учёбы: Forsvarsakademiet
Статус: Доктор наук
Личные интересы
Интересы: Kindred spirits, animals, survivalism, Nordicism, Ariosophy, Vikings, myths, sagas, folklores, music, philosophy, psychology, medicine, health, anthropology, ethnology, Vikings, Nordic mythology, sociology, secret societies, elitism, powerlifting, bodybuilding, athletics, North shaolin kung fu, martial arts, the woods, mountains, moors and over-all nature. politics, mind manipulation, deep state, warlike inclinations, romanticism, nostalgia, life experience & altering of perception, understanding the deeper avenues of life. aventures and multiple travels. explorer of all facets of life itself
Любимые фильмы: Psychological thrillers. Horror and visionary innovative presentable stuff
Любимые книги: I got thousands of books. I have a whole home library. Too many to mention here.
О себе: Work with me:) And never against me, or you will lose! Be a friend or foe in other words....

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