Аня Сокур

Была в сети 19:46:18 02.06.2010 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 9 Октября
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
VK: id50637674
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: I believe that Snikers with large hazel nuts there!
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Study in school, but it does not bother me nuts people. I go to basketball games and just walking on the street. In short you want to know about me more, I'll add you to my friends.
Интересы: I love to sing and dance, watch the news and sports, etc. Live. ..... and ........ tear myself ....)))
Любимые фильмы: Comedy, drama, and like ..
О себе: Her name Anuta. Friends say simpotyazhka, sometimes capricious. Studying at school goes to basketball games, dances, sings, walks on the street with friends, loves to laugh, loves when the boys pay attention to it ..... And something else: I-Girl, and so I - Actress me a hundred thousand persons and roles. I-Girl, and so I - Queen, beloved of all earthly kings. I-Girl, and so I - Slave, tasted the salty taste of grievances. I-Girl, and so I - desert, which you burn up. I-girl. I was thrown by strong, but, you know, even if life - a struggle I-Girl, I'm weak to pain I-Girl, and so I - Destiny. I - a girl. I just burst of passion, but my destiny - patience and hard work, I - Girl. I - the great happiness which did not cherish. I - a girl, and this I dangerous fire and ice forever in me one. I - a girl, and so I - beautiful from infancy to old age, gray. I - a girl, and in the world, all roads lead me, but not in a Rome. I - Girl, I chosen by God, although they have already been punished! ********************************************** ♥ We say "I do not like, but at heart we have tears trickling down ♥ We say "hate" just to make ourselves believe it ♥ We say goodbye, hoping to see the man again ♥ We say "Go away" to people not see our tears ♥ We say "Never" when we know that this will happen again ♥ We say "love me" when we are afraid to confess her feelings ♥ We say "I forgot" when the idea of a man is not out of my head ♥ We say "I deleted his number" when we remember it by heart ♥ We say "all over between us" when everything is just beginning ... ♥ Sometimes we can not say "I love" when afraid to hear the answer ♥ We "ask" to be left alone when in need of someone's support ♥ We "hope" when there is no chance ♥ We "expect", when we know that we have already forgotten about ♥ We "dream" knowing that it will never happen ______________________________________________ Хих...ну как?
Любимые цитаты:
Kiss - is when two souls meet each the tips of her lips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not always the first, I did not always second, but will always be only one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you're born, you cried and the world laughed, so lived a life so that he left, you laughed, cried and the world! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A friend, not someone who can jump on you from the window, and the one who catches you from the bottom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the loved one likes, even flaws. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time ... it as a bandage ... not heal wounds, but simply tied. You take off the bandage - and there anyway blood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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