Данил Шакуров

Был в сети 04:26:40 31.12.2011 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 22 Августа
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: в активном поиске
VK: id50929373
Место учёбы: СахГУ (бывш. ЮСГПИ)
Форма обучения: Заочное отделение
Статус: Кандидат наук
Год окончания: 2010
13 им. П. А. Леонова 1998-2007 класс "б"
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Личные интересы
Деятельность: prison complex through another unlikely clique -- the homosexual posse, although the relationships are purely platonic, according to the sources. "In prison, you stick to your own kind, but he's doing the exact opposite by hanging with the Indians and [homosexuals] -- so who is going to have his back?" wondered one jailbird. Another inmate said various "gangs" at the prison are trying to recruit Bernie to their crews. Some prisoners are also bending over backward trying to satisfy his hearty appetite by regularly cooking sandwich wraps for him back at their cells. "They're trying to kiss his butt, " said one source. Madoff was quickly assigned a job in the prison's engraving section when he first arrived, but last month he was transferred to a job painting fences
Интересы: prison complex through another unlikely clique -- the homosexual posse, although the relationships are purely platonic, according to the sources. "In prison, you stick to your own kind, but he's doing the exact opposite by hanging with the Indians and [homosexuals] -- so who is going to have his back?" wondered one jailbird. Another inmate said various "gangs" at the prison are trying to recruit Bernie to their crews. Some prisoners are also bending over backward trying to satisfy his hearty appetite by regularly cooking sandwich wraps for him back at their cells. "They're trying to kiss his butt, " said one source. Madoff was quickly assigned a job in the prison's engraving section when he first arrived, but last month he was transferred to a job painting fences
О себе: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, $_____________________$____________________$, $____________________$$$___________________$, $__$_________________$$$________________$__$, $___$$______________$$$$$_____________$$___$, $____$$$____________$$$$$___________$$$____$, $_____$$$$$_________$$$$$________$$$$$_____$, $______$$$$$$$______$$$$$_____$$$$$$$______$, $________$$$$$$$____$$$$$___$$$$$$$________$, $___________$$$$$____$$$___$$$$$___________$, $__$$$$$$$______$$$__$$$__$$$______$$$$$$$_$, $______$$$$$$$$____$$_$_$$____$$$$$$$$_____$, $__________$$$$$$$$$_$$$_$$$$$$$$$_________$, $_________________$$$_$_$$$________________$, $_____________$$$$$___$___$$$$$____________$, $_____________________$____________________ люблю пить ---------------------, ___, | холодное пиво |,,|,, |,__ | _____________|,||_|_ || ) /(@)(@)******/(@)****(@) --------------------------------------- >> |------------------------------| ||\_____ >> |____Ягуар-Ягуар_______| ||''''|'''''''\_____, >> |_________..... ________ |_||__|________|| >> '(@)'(@)'(@)''''''''''''''''''''''*|(@)(@ и показавать ............./??/).............(\??\ ............/....//.............\\....\ .........../....//...............\\....\™√ιק ™ ....../??/..../??\.........../?? .\...\??\ ..././.../..../..../.|_...._|.\....\....\...\.\™√ιק ™ (.(....(....(..../.)..)...(..(.\....)....)....).) .\................\/.../..\...\/................/ ..\................. /......\................../ ™√ιק ™ а потом _|____|____|____|____|____| ___|____|____|____|____|__ _|____|биццо головой ___|___ ___|____|_сюда _|____|__ _|____|____|____|____|____| ___|____|____|____|____|____ _ _ _ _ _ _L_________________,,__ ----------/_____________________ |]-----lllllD ----lllllD ---------/_==o__________________/ ---------),---.(_(__) / --------// () ),____/ -------//___// ------///////// -----///////// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Любимые цитаты:
prison complex through another unlikely clique -- the homosexual posse, although the relationships are purely platonic, according to the sources. "In prison, you stick to your own kind, but he's doing the exact opposite by hanging with the Indians and [homosexuals] -- so who is going to have his back?" wondered one jailbird. Another inmate said various "gangs" at the prison are trying to recruit Bernie to their crews. Some prisoners are also bending over backward trying to satisfy his hearty appetite by regularly cooking sandwich wraps for him back at their cells. "They're trying to kiss his butt, " said one source. Madoff was quickly assigned a job in the prison's engraving section when he first arrived, but last month he was transferred to a job painting fences

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