Justin Bieber

Был в сети 05:29:18 26.04.2024 с браузера
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Пол: Мужской
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Город: Stratford
VK: id51912758
Факультет: id51912758 на номер 2090 или id51912758 на 1053.
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Justin Bieber (1994) - singer in the style of RB, Pop, musician. In the biography of Justin Bieber year of birth - 1994. Justin was born in Stratford, Ontario and March 14. The boy was brought up by one mother. Difficult to believe, but to engage in singing, Justin began a few years ago. But with two years he took an interest in musical instruments, in particular - stressed. As a child Biber studied music. So far in his biography of Justin Bieber plays guitar, drums, keyboards. In 12 years, Justin has participated in a local vocal competition «Stratford Idol». Despite the fact that the other parties to do so would seriously involved in music, and Justin sang only at home, he took second place. The starting point in the biography of singer Justin Bieber began in 2007. It was then that Justin's mother has posted on YuoTube his song. Soon there were early fans of his work. Among them was the manager, Scooter Braun, who noticed the boy's talent and took him to Atlanta, Georgia. There, Justin met with the famous R. Having Justin under his wing, Asher took him to listen to «Island Records». So in October 2008, Justin signed his first recording contract with the company. Biber could choose with whom to collaborate: with Asher or Justin Timberlake, his choice was stopped at Asher. In 2009 released their first single in the biography of Justin Bieber - «One Time». The song immediately became a hit. In July, a week after she took 12 place in the rating «Canadian Hot 100. Biber is working on his first album «My World», whose output was scheduled for September 2009. In the future, Justin plans to further enhance their musical level, finish college, and sing with other pop stars, such as Beyoncé.

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Влад ЗавгороднийДиана ГибертЮлия ИзотоваКсюша ДолбняEkaterina LupanovaИришка СпанчбикKnara BagdasarovaBill GatesВика ВикачкаКаринка ТекуроваЭлькоу КонфеткоуЛеночка СтупницкаяAnn BarbieMiss BieberТанюша ТкачёваГермиона ГрэйнджерАнжела БулавськаКристина ДолинскаяНастя БагукМаря АбрамовичАлексей НиколаевичЮльчік СтепанюкАлина ШилкинаКсения ШелембаDiana KlauzerВедьмочка ВедьмовнаВероника ШостакTanya TanyaТатьяна СербинаАделина ГайнуллинаMegan FoxMiley CyrusИра ОмельченкоAnny MomsenЕкатерина ВикторовнаТаня ЛесюкАлёна ФедотоваЮлька ТрошковаКатюня СидороваCaitlin BeadlesДаша БакановаБрюнеточка CoolБелла СвоновнаBriana EviganМакс ОнищенкоАлина ЧигвинцеваВикуська КуськаЮлиан ЛоркаЛера ТрошинаKatya SemyonovaParis HiltonDenis SelivanovАня СелюченкоAvril LavigneShakira ShakiraАнюточка ВладимировнаМашуська БуськаДиана МузычукДаня МарковAlinochka BolkvadzeSelena GomezДиля АнаркуловаКатюшка МоськоMiley CyrusНастя МаксименкоIrina BieberElis BeebsВероничка КлубничкаМаксим ХасановJustin BieberВика НикитоваАлина ДранкевичМаринка АбрамовичМарина АбросимоваMiss BieberJustin-Love-You BieberКатюня КатюнчикДмитрий МунгаловКристина Кислякова

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