Ольга Надыкто

afternoon sun wakes me up, you're having thoughts about my eyes — while i'm grateful for the sights. i'm grateful for the sights...
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 7 Августа 1990
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: замужем
VK: nadykto
Место учёбы: ИМПЭ им. А. С. Грибоедова
Факультет: Журналистики
Год окончания: 2012
Жизненная позиция
Главное в жизни: красота и искусстсво
Личные интересы
Любимые цитаты:
There's no religion but sex and music There's no religion but sound and dancing There's no religion but line and color There's no religion but sacred trance Throw a pebble in and watch the ocean See the ripples vanish in the distance It's just the same with all the emotions It's just the same in every instance There's no religion but the joys of rhythm There's no religion but the rites of Spring There's no religion in the path of hate No prayer but the one I sing There's no religion but the endless ocean There's no religion but the moon and stars There's no religion but time and motion There's no religion, just tribal scars Throw a pebble in and watch the ocean See the ripples vanish in the distance It's just the same with all the emotions It's just the same in every instance There's no religion but the joys of rhythm There's no religion but the rites of Spring There's no religion in the path of hate No prayer but the one I sing Sting

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