Liza Broono

Была в сети 00:22:02 08.04.2024 с android
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: замужем
VK: lizabroono
Личные интересы
О себе: I am the night, I am the day, You hear my call from far away, When I speak it reaches and touches your soul, When I gaze into your eyes. My wolf eyes can see through you, Your secrets, deep, dark, so full of life, Yet they can calm any painful pain of mine or yours, The spirit of the Wolf lives on and on. Though you may not see me I am there, I am the defender of all, the protector of the land and animals, I stand for all that is right, and never wrong. And yes there is a such thing as Wolf magic, It's all around, In the sky, the ground, the sea, the lakes, rivers and creeks, All's you have to do is believe.

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