Mike Kang

Был в сети 14:24:58 21.10.2020 с телефона
My name is 강민형. I see so much Art here in Novosibirsk..... Would love to see more 😏
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Город: Новосибирск
VK: id556710362
Место учёбы: Macquarie University
Факультет: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Личные интересы
Интересы: Art, Fitness, nutrition, nature exploration, history, exercise, politics, video games, filmmaking, jazz, philosophy, heavy metal, yoga, minimalist lifestyle.
О себе: Cultural explorer from Seoul and Sydney. Will be in Novosibirsk for 1 year. Show me something new about your city and cuture and I will share with you mine ;)

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