Brad Pitt

Был в сети 01:46:17 06.07.2012 с браузера
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: есть подруга
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id56805828
Место учёбы: Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Факультет: Behavioral And Social Sciences
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Выпускник (магистр)
Год окончания: 1989
San Diego Ana Academy 1971-1981специализация: Aktor

Los Angeles Trade-Technical College -1989
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: $$$$$$$$$
Личные интересы
Деятельность: During teaching at middle school Bred was the member of commands on golf, swimming and tennis. He also practised music and conducted active work in a school-board. After completion of middle school Bred enters University in Missouri, where begins to study journalism and publicity business. Discovering at this time in itself love to the actor handicraft, Bred gives up an university, and, so not getting a diploma, in place of that to do some work, retake one-two objects and all the same to get a diploma, youth unexpectedly for ...
Интересы: Pittu drove: from the first week in Los Angeles he succeeded to find job. At first he, primping a cock, called visitors in a restaurant, then conveied the fried chickens, loaded refrigerators, delivered striptizersh on bachelor evening-parties, taken off in the publicity roller of jeans of "Levayz". So proceeded almost year, and finally he succeeded to get first, though very small, role in a tele-serial "Dallas" - played there the friend of daughter Priscilly Presli.
Любимые фильмы: Then the long period of vagueness came again. Pitt earned, as could, including in episodic roles on television. Understanding that trade failing him, a fellow began to visit an actor studio. First in the cinema he was taken off in 1989 in a film "The Lapidary class", but so remained nobody noticed. And only in 1991 carried out them in the film of the Britannic producer of Ridli Skotta, small role, in a superfeminist film "Tel'ma and Luiza"/thelma & Louise, 1991/, armed ...
Любимые телешоу: Next success of Breda Pitta was invitation on a leading role in the epic film of Edvarda Cvika "Legends of autumn" of /legends of the Fall, 1994/, where he played together with Anthony Khopkinsom. The operator of picture got Oscar; and collections of film supply was exceeded 100 million dollars. After this film the magazine of "People" named Breda Pitta the most sexual man from all above-ground.
Любимые книги: In a that year Pitt is taken off in a role of kind-hearted vampire Louis in the meynstrimnom film of leading irish producer Nila Dzhordana "Interv'yu with a vampire" /interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, 1994/. In this decadent screen version of the first part of so-called "Vampirskikh the chronic" of authoress Ann Rays Pitt agitated girlish blood not less than, than his partners on a film is Tom Kruz, Antonio Banderas and Chistian Sleyter.
Любимые игры: After "Interview" popularity of Pitta attained transcendental heights. In addition, an actor got in the hands of good producers, that could not not tell on quality of his performance trade: for the role of mentally ill clairvoyant in the futurism apocalyptic film of Britannic master Terry Gilliama "Twelve obez'yan"/12 monkeys, a 1995/ actor gets the "Gold globe" and "Oscar" as the best actor of the second plan nominiruetsya on a bonus (on the first plan there was Bryus Uillis in this film
О себе: After the film of master of political thriller Alan Pakuly there is "Propert of D'yavola"/the Devil''s Own, 1997 /, where Pitt played an irish terrorist, for the sake of imaginary ideals ready to betray a foster-father - agent of FBI which was played by Kharrison Ford even, he is taken off as early as one film, rotining his talent, to drama of Martin Brest "Meet, Joe Blek"/meet Joe Black, 1998/, in which he again played together with Anthony Khopkinsom, in him Bred incarnated by itself pretty death.
Любимые цитаты:
In 1995 Bred Pitt plays together with Morgan Frimenom in the debut film of the known photographer and klipmeykera Devida Finchera - extraordinarily gloomy thriller with the metaphorical name "Sem'"/se7en, 1995/. A picture was well accepted criticism and shocked an audience. On the surveys of this film Bred met with Gvinet Peltrou, which on a film played his wife, and for them a long novel was strung. However, when already began to talk about the coming wedding of inamoratas, they out of nowhere declared about ...

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