Основная информация Дата рождения: 12 Февраля 1990 Пол: Женский Контакты VK: id58263059 | |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: умеренные Мировоззрение: верю в себя | Личные интересы Деятельность: http://www.vmagazine.su Интересы: Дизайн, Музыка, Dinamo Moscow, Leeds United Любимые фильмы: Contol, Ensemble c'est tout, Feu follet Le, Reign Over Me, Pride, Paris je t'aime, Curt Kobain : About A Son, Last King of Scotland Любимые телешоу: Не смотрю телевизор ;) Любимые книги: Пока подруга в коме, Элеанор Ригби, Планета шампуня, Мисс Вайоминг, Дуглас Коупленд, Пляж, Алекс Гарленд, Джанки, Пидор, Голый завтрак, Дикие мальчики, Пространство мёртвых дорог, Кот внутри, Уильям Сьюард Берроуз, Городок и Город, Джек Керуак Любимые игры: =) О себе: http://www.vmagazine.su Любимые цитаты: If you're hopelessly depressed like I was, then dressing up is just the ultimate escape. When I was young I just wanted to be noticed. Nothing could excite me except attention so I'd dress up as much as I could. Outrage and boredom just go hand in hand.
In terms of the 'S' word, that does not enter my mind. And it never has done, in terms of an attempt. Because I am stronger than that. I might be a weak person, but I can take pain.
Gets to a point where you really can’t operate any more as a human being – you can’t get out of bed, you can’t…make yourself a cup of coffee without something going badly wrong or your body’s too weak to walk.
...I'd wished he'd left us some note saying, 'Boys, it's for the best. But I still love you.
...we thought whatever he's done, he wants to do. If he's happy, good luck to him.
But they'll never be good to you
Or bad to you
They'll never be anything
Anything at all
У меня есть ученая степень в политике, глупо ожидать от меня того, что мой мозг будет работать уровнем ниже.
Сейчас я не хочу идти и заводить каких-нибудь друзей. Всё чего я сейчас хочу — искать врагов. Я никогда не чувствовал столько презрения и отвращения ко всем и ко всему во всей моей грёбанной жизни. Я не чувствую, что мне ещё когда-нибудь понадобится чья-то симпатия. Господи, это достаточно тяжело — просто нравиться себе самому.
It was in the winter of my fiftieth year
When it hit me
I was really alone
And there wasn't a hell a lot of time left
Every laugh and touch that I could get
Became more important
Strangely, I became more bookish
And my home and study meant more to me
As I considered the circumstances of my death
I wanted to find a balance between joy and dignity
On my way out
Above all, I didn't want to take any more shit
Not from anybody
She's gone
I froze her out
Move by move
First I didn't hold her hand
Then I didn't touch her in bed
Then I wasn't tender with her upsets
Then I just told her to go
And still, she didn't go
I had to push.
Now this place is peaceful as a grave
It's dead quiet without her
And her stupid t.v. shows
And young girl laughing
I was always ashamed she read Cosmopolitan
I should have been proud of her
What did she want that was so bad?
She just wanted to believe that someone would
Love her and look after her always
She called me Daddy
She called me Daddy |