Основная информация Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: в активном поиске Контакты Город: Bangkok VK: id58293378 | |
Жизненная позиция Главное в жизни: развлечения и отдых | Личные интересы Деятельность: Reading Books, Reading Magazines, Listening To Music, listening to rain, thinking, Lire, Ecouter De La Bonne Musique En Marchant, Ecouter Le Bruit De La Mer, écouter De La Musique, Penser En écoutant La Musique, Penser, Meditation, Méditation Интересы: Voyage, Musique, La Vie Est Belle, Photographies, Mangez Végétarien, Travelling, Music, Life, Photography, Art, National Geographic, Homosexuals, Gay Marriage, Coffee, Esperanto, Vegetarianism Любимые фильмы: Flicka, 10 Things I Hate About You, Bridget Jones's Diary, The Da Vinci Code, Coyote Ugly, Moulin Rouge, Legally Blonde, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Brokeback Mountain, Juste une question d'amour, Hope Floats, The Lake House, Love Actually, Serendipity Любимые книги: The Secret, all the Buddhism О себе: I am not Artist but I love Art I am not Cowboy but I love Cowboy's Being I am not Musician but I love Music very much Mandolin? What's it? I don't know but I love Country Music ((( What's Else ))) Me? Wow tough one !!!! Me? I am Thai ---- real Thai ~~~~ I speak Thai and I rang tai hahaha ! ( I speaks also Southern dialect ) Do not ask cus I'm gonna tell you right here right now --- just read ok??? ( bad attitude ) I was born in Bangkok and then moved to South. That's how I can do Southern dialect !!!! (inspired by nong claudia) nong claudia? she's a friend in "iThink" and we have some different idea about Thai food so we become good friends. Me? Again? Now different from above !!! it's called "Sometimes Story" inspired by Nong Claudia "Sometimes I am shy, but sometimes careless Sometimes I am calm, but sometimes tempestuous Sometimes I am bored, but sometimes excited Sometimes I am negative, but sometimes positive" But ALL I CAN LEARN HERE NOW WITH "SOMETIMES STORY" is I NEED TO BE IN BETWEEN. Like Buddhist Studies "THE MIDDLE WAY" I know this is A LOT TOO MUCH for you BUT 1 thing you SHOULD DO is HAVE FUN, DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, BE HAPPY, LOVE & BE LOVED, LOVE EVERYTHING SURROUNDED YOU. That's all I can THINK right now!!!! NEW NEW NEW LIKE 0r DISLIKE I don't like spend all day watching tv. because there're full of craps, instead, I like spemd all day with good music and let my head thinks. I like keeping myself in a quiet place with good books, but I don't like study because that's the way people make me to. I can't draw or even create a great work of art just like Michaelangelo or Picasso, but I can strongly say I am a great Art Admirer and their great fan. I can admit to you all that I smoke but not in public, just please myself, that's a good rest sometimes. (I know that's not good for health !!!) LOVE .... Everyone stands on the same basic need, so do I. I love love and love to be loved but sometimes that scared me too. (that's silly huh?) I might be very funny or might make jokes, other ways I'd rather be eep myself shut if I don't want to express much. (so be careful !!!) "Woody you're so emotional and sensitive sometimes get moody easily" that's the way people tell me and talk to me (ehind my back) so what I can't help it. It's all my ability ( LOL :p) Commitment ... sometimes adorable sometimes I don't want to talk about it. So what you think? I always dream of a garden where's full of sunflowers and butterflies. Can you tell me what does it mean? Любимые цитаты: "Life is too short to worry about so have fun, get drunk or whatever that make me you happy."
"Love and you'll be loved in return."
"Say what you wanna say & do what you wanna do."
"Do not let people who do not matter bring you down, because those who mind don't matter & those who matter don't mind."
"Live you life wisely & be what you are." |