Michael Rodrigo

Был в сети 01:44:03 17.05.2020 с iphone
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 10 Декабря 1959
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: New York City
VK: id587248540
Жизненная позиция
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Личные интересы
О себе: I am a genuine committed Christian man single. I am intelligent and easy going with a good sense of humour. My preference is for a simple but fruitful lifestyle and I would love to be able to share this with a sincere Christian woman. I love the outdoors and enjoy my large garden but I'm not into sports. I believe I'm fairly balanced. I'm easy-going & friendly, but cautiously suss people out when first meeting. I'm down-to-earth & logical, but have a broad imagination & enjoy flights of fancy. I absolutely love to laugh & joke, but can participate in deep & serious conversations. I'm realistic, but in a positive way. I'm caring, generous & affectionate. I have a broad sense of humour. I have "geeky" interests in films, TV, books & pop culture, & so enthusiastically discuss these subjects. I'm an avid reader. I enjoy reading, live theatre, most music, good conversation and intellectual challenge.I am a passionate follower of Christ, and by the end of my journey I pray that I can say that I did everything I could to serve Him well. I am creative and optimistic, and value the things that really matter. I love my own space, but am also a tigger(drawing energy from connection with others). I just want to live an authentic and adventurous/challenge filled life, hopefully with someone who will appreciate all that I have to offer--a nice wine and a great Dvd never goes astray either! I adore kids & and I dream of my own family filled with kids again I love animals & have had many pets throughout my life. I like to utilise my gift in helping, teaching & encouraging people

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