Miss-Sunny Dee

Была в сети 16:58:49 12.09.2024 с android
Booklover, fragantophile, cat butler.
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 20 Августа 1977
Пол: Женский
VK: idsunnydee
Место учёбы: Hogeschool Utrecht (HU)
Факультет: Journalistiek
Статус: Выпускница (бакалавр)
Личные интересы
Любимые фильмы: Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List, Pride & Prejudice, Some Like it Hot, E.T, Die Hard, Saving Private Ryan, The Silence of the Lambs, Dances with Wolves, and I'm probably forgetting a few - I'm not really a movie buff.
Любимые телешоу: Mindhunter (which idiot cancelled that?)
Любимые книги: Pfff, sooooo many. But here are a few books I think everyone should read: Birds without wings - L. De Bernieres, A Thousand Burning Suns - K. Hosseini, De Ontdekking van de Hemel - H. Mulish, Eleni - N. Gage, Uomo (A Man) - O. Fallaci, Not even my Name - Thea Halo. For years, after I read a gazillion thrillers and horrors, I've been into Urban Fantasy & Paranormal stuff. These are worthy of a mention: Dresden Files Series - Jim Butcher, Kim Harrison's The Hollows series, Everything by Sherrilyn Kenyon (now McQueen), like Dark Hunters, The League, Sword blabla, Chloe O'Neill - Chicagoland Vampires, Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series, Kate Daniels series + all other series by Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs - Mercy Thompson, Sookie Stackhouse series - Dark Lakes series - M.V. Stott, Spectral Detective series - David Bussell, Angie Fox - Southern Ghost Hunter series, Amanda M Lee Covenant College series + Aisling Grimlock + Death Gate Reaper (Read in that order), Robyn Peterman's hilarious and utterly weird Fashionably Dead series. I also love L.R. Braden's The Rifter Series, but small warning> that's just 2 books so far.
Любимые игры: I no longer play games, but 'way back when' I liked things in the vibe - or exactly these - of: Sim City, Age of Empires, The Elder Scrolls, Rome Total War, Rollercoaster Tycoon. Quests & Building empires ;).
О себе: I wish "A book a day keeps the idiots away" was true, but at least I can escape in different worlds on the daily. I've loved reading since learning my first letters and while I always try to refrain from judging and try to understand others, I have a very hard time grasping the idea that some people don't like to read. I have a tendency to swear too much and to be quite sarcastic. Since research shows that regularly swearing and/or sarcastic persons are, on average, much more intelligent, I'm now fine with that (Okay, I already was, but it's such a handy excuse, lol). Also: I'm a proud crazy cat lady and notorious perfume hoarder. Smelling good is a form of good manners!

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