Основная информация Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: не женат Контакты Город: London VK: id59996099 | |
Личные интересы Интересы: Martial arts, climbing, caving, travelling, pranks, dinners, sheesha, club, hanging..etc Любимые фильмы: Lord of the Rings, Shawshank Redemption, The Notebook, Legend of the Falls, Austin Powers, Notting Hill, American Pie Любимые телешоу: Spooks, Heroes, Futurama, South Park, CSI, Farscape Любимые книги: Tolstoy, A Winter in Madrid, Lord of the Rings, Jane Austin, Isaac Asimov, Shakespeare О себе: Despite being a boring accountant in the City, I actually have interests other than counting numbers. Like... hmm reading the Financial Times. Just kidding, never read that. I love painting, travelling, messing with mates, reading, martial arts and rock climbing. I also like to chill and just be. I hope to make friends around the world through VKONTAKT so I know a local when I travel somewhere. Любимые цитаты:
Things are changing, but nothing ever changes and yet there are changes. |