Основная информация Дата рождения: 25 Января Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: не женат Контакты Город: Prestatyn VK: mrwhbc | Образование Место учёбы: Liverpool John Moores University Факультет: Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Science Форма обучения: Очное отделение Статус: Доктор наук Год окончания: 2017 Pendleton College 1996-1999 класс "а"специализация: A Levels: Maths, English language & Elglish Litriture |
Жизненная позиция Главное в людях: доброта и честность Главное в жизни: семья и дети Отн. к курению: положительное Вдохновляют: Truth, work ethnic, self made entrepreneurs, My kids, Women, The goodness in people, ambitious Children, The nurses & Doctors, Firemen & Woman, Voluntary workers who feed and look after the homeless people who are less fortunate. | Личные интересы Деятельность: Walking, swimming, bike riding, dancing, drives round the countryside, photography, astronomy, Studying just about anything I can. Интересы: Cameras, real news, free speech, Motorcycles, travelling, learning about ancient history, the cosmos, different cultures, languages, civilisations, well anything about our origin, through studying all religions and ancient texts & scriptures, I even went so far as to learn to read in Hebrew to read the Jewish Texts. Not because I'm religions because I'm not, but I had to learn for myself what each religion belives so I could have an o pinion as i had friends in different faiths trying to get me to join, so rather than being ignorant on the topic I spent 2 and a half years studying all religions in depth for at least 18-20 hours a day. I can now answer to any question about any religion, if it was an Rabbi or an Imam or priest/bishop I could answer or keep a conversation goingon discussing anything they wanted. The reason im not religious is in my oppinion there all the same in there own way, and as long as we belive in 1 God who made us all in the 7 day's of creation and follow his comandments and repent for sin, then I believe you can be a righteous man or woman without following any religion, as there all contradictory. I also have multiple sclerosis, which doesn't really affect me, but I do smoke cannabis in its bud phase with the highest T.H.C content possible, mostly it comes from california imported. But please don't judge me for my ilness as it doesn't change or affect me like some people would think, as ive got a strong heart/Spirit. Im also good at meditation, yoga, deep relaxation, raising your body's vibration and lining up your bodys natural chaceras up, also channeling in my dreams, like Lucid dreams or astrol projection. Любимые фильмы: Swordfish, Reservoir dogs, Forres Gump, Dirty Dancing, The Matrix, Indecent proposal, Ghost, Hangover, Rush hour, Die hard, A nightmare on elm Street, Kill bill, The terminater, Commando, Just go with it, Waterloo, Click, 50 first dates, Jaws, The Fast & the furious films, Beveliy Hills cop. Любимые телешоу: Peeky Blinders, Breaking bad, Power, Wheeler dealers, Naked & Afraid, Eddie Stafford Marooned, The Alaskan Bush People, Fast & Loud, Geordie Shore, Big Brother, I'm a celebrity get me out of here, The X Factor, Only fools & horses, Mrs Brows Boys. Любимые книги: All books are my favourite, anything with literature will do fine. Любимые игры: I dont really play vidio games anymore, but I did used to play Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Fifa football and The need for speed games. I still play board games with my children like Monopoly, Scrabble, Ludo, snakes and ladders, Trivial pursuit О себе: I'm a 40 year old Irish/Welsh man who was born in Salford, England into a violent family on a dangerous estate full of gangs, it took me till i was 21 to raise the money to relocate my mother, 2 sisters aged 10 & 11 at the time and a brother of 14, after I managed to get the familys abuser locked up into the care of the mental health services indefinitely, due to the decades of abuse suffered, but that is all behind me now, and I've found my passion in life and couldn't be happier with life so are my children. I am also fascinated in photography, traveling Europe & my homeland of Wales U.K, also Russian history is my favourite studies at the moment, ive finnished Studying Criminology & Psychology both being passed with a Ba degree. I also passed 2 A levels in mathematics & English literature. I wish to start learning to speak Russian soon as its a language that fascinates me, and I've not visited Russia yet, always stopping at Ukraine before turning round back to the U.K. I wouldnt like to visit the beautiful country until I can speak the language, as I think its disrespectful to turn up to such a magical stunning place without taking the time to learn the basics of the language if you understand what I mean? If there's anybody here in the U.K who gives 0lessons I would be greatful if you could put them in touch with me, or somone who wants to learn good English from me in exchange for you teaching me your language from over in Russia 🇷🇺 online together. Id be greatful if someone would like to help. Take care, be safe & God bless guys & remember "Eyes open, No Fear 🙂 +447874663730 mrwhbc7@gmail.com wesleycarbery38@gmail.com Wesleycarbery39@outlook.com Любимые цитаты: A lifes battles dont always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who knows he can.
If you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
Postman, postman dont go slow, buy some airmax & Go Go Go !! |