Основная информация Дата рождения: 13 Февраля Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: женат Контакты Город: Amsterdam VK: ultrasonique | Образование Место учёбы: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) Факультет: Faculteit der Geneeskunde Форма обучения: Очное отделение Статус: Абитуриент Год окончания: 2015 Таицкая 2000-2011 класс "а" |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: индифферентные Мировоззрение: Olympic, Ἀθηνᾶ | Личные интересы Деятельность: Public-at-large for UNESCO, Peacewalker-at-UNO in Iraq, gigolo (fancy man) Интересы: Music, tennis, modern literature, cinema, classics chineese drama, gothic, Misсha Barton, tattooes, Jennifer Garner, myths of Greece, Japan, China Любимые фильмы: Tomb Raider, Underworld, Electra, Alias, Resident Evil, Butterfly Effect, Silent Hill, Shi Gan, Twilight, Pulse/Octane, Sim-One, Velvet, Hachiko, The Academy Of Death, Paranoid, Sin City, Whitchblade, Final Fantasy, Ghost In The Shell, Under The Sun Of Tuscany, Enough!, Rebellion, Geisha. XXI Century, Lost & Delirious, The O.C., Wanted, Howl’s Moving Castle, Premonition, Spirited Away, Passionada, Never Been Kissed, Practical Magic, t.A.T.u.'s Anatomy, Harsh Times, Minority Report, Death Proof, Planet Terror, Last Exit, Zwartboek/Black Book, Awake, Gothika, The Island, Lovely Bones, Bug, 25th Hour, The Notebook, The Dark Knight, Irresistible, Obsessed, Prayers For Bobby, Head In The Clouds, Point Of No Return, The Beautiful Life Starring Misсha Barton, Gossip Girl, 90210, Melrose Place, Liberty Walk Starring Heidi Klum, NIKITA, Salt, Jake 2.0, Love. Kills xxx, Love. Kills xx, Triangle, Valley Of Flowers, Twelve Любимые телешоу: "Sex" with Anphisa Chehova, A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila, Paris Hilton's My New BFF, Paris Hilton's British Best Friend, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency Любимые книги: G. Osbourne "Diamond Blood"; Myoko Yamaoto "Silent Hill: Rage", "Silent Hill: Dying Inside", "Silent Hill: Dead/Alive", "Silent Hill: Revolution", "Silent Hill: Three Bloody Tales"; D. Stivenson "Fallen"; А. Митрофанов "Та Ту КАМ БЭК"; L. Smith "Goddess Of Shadows", "Path To Avalon"; Trisha Takagava "Seven Destinies"; Jacob Rodriges "Dreamline"; David J. M. Cornwell "A Perfect Spy"; Trinity Rassell "It's A Sin To Die"; Dan Brown "Angels & Demons", "Deception Point", "Digital Fortress"; Diana Cournberg "All That She Said", "All That He Said", "All That They Said"; Akira Yokohama "Code: Veronica"; Mikah Bradford "Murder Isn't A Crime"; George Rubens "Nemesis' Chronicles: Lost In Paradise", "Nemesis' Chronicles: Ordered To Burn", "Nemesis' Chronicles: The Last Retribution"; Stephenie Meyer "Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse", "Breaking Dawn", "Midnight Sun", "The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner", "The Host"; Lourell K. Hamilton "Guilty Pleasures", "Mikah", "The Laughing Corpse", "Circus Of The Damned", "The Lunatic Cafe", "Bloody Bones", "The Killing Dance", "Cerulean Sins"; Jason Shuiler "Necronomikon. Book Of The Dead: Begining", "Eyes Of Shiva"; Oscar Wilde "The Picture Of Dorian Gray"; Haruki Murakami "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"; Paulo Coelho "Veronica Desides To Die" Любимые игры: Tomb Raider, Alias, Alan Wake, Metal Gear Solid, Mirror's Edge, Syberia, Prince Of Persia, Velvet Assassin, Burnout Paradise, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Dead Space, World Of Goo, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Create О себе: Just ask me. Любимые цитаты: But my smile still stays on...
Legends are usually bad news. There's not a lot of difference between heroes and madmen.
Сильный человек не нуждается в том, чтобы предвидеть будущее - он создает его сам.
A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name.
Lactura paucorm serva multos.
Намного легче похоронить действительность, чем избавиться от грёз.
When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.
I think that this fucking fuck tard fucking needs to fuck but he probably fucked all of the fuckers that would fuck with a fucking fuck tard, so he is fucking fucked.
It takes a legend to make a star. |