Ilia Blagadyr

Был в сети 18:17:43 23.03.2010 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 17 Ноября
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: есть подруга
Город: Сумы
VK: id63601582
Место учёбы: СумГУ
Факультет: Экономики и менеджмента
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Доктор наук
№ 10 2004-2015 класс "м 2"специализация: математык

Школа музыкальная: №3 2008-2016 класс " 2"специализация: музикант

Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: монархические
Мировоззрение: Верю в себя и своих друзей
Личные интересы
Деятельность: _Brief biography: In the world of wrestling John Sina _Brief biography: In the world of wrestling John Sina promoted by his father - John Fabalous (John Fabulous), known as a wrestling announcer. Young John made his debut in 2001 to the year in California. He quickly earned a standing ovation Universal Pro Wrestling. In spring 2001, the young soldier was transferred to the OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling). However, he Rico, 1st August 2001, won the belt in the team fight OVW. The domination ended with the defeat Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin. Alone in the ring, Cena was able to prevail over experienced Batista, thus, 20th February 2002-th year, he became the champion in OVW Heavyweight. 15th May, he went to WWE, and a month later, he was able to become full-fledged wrestler SmackDown!. John was able to answer Kurt Angle, though, and lost his first match. His technique Sina earned the respect of the Undertaker, who invited the young soldier to fight against the same Angle and Chris Jericho. Sina Jericho continued to resist the next few months. He even had to go through Edge and Rey Mysterio, only to fight with Chris and other anti-American. Their feud ended only when the anti-Americans moved to Raw. However, immediately after the defeat Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, Cena became a feud with Billy Kidman, because of which he lost. The next enemy was John Brock Lesnar, since he was the main competitor Sina in Time Champion WWE. Unfortunately resistance Brock did not stop to keep the championship at the festival wrestling Backlash 27th April 2003, his age. But John did not get upset, as he joined team Engle at Survivor Series 2003. John Cena and Chris Benoit were the only survivors. Benoit and Cena met to 4th December at SmackDown! with the winner to become the number one contender for the title of champion of WWE, but Chris was defeated by the intervention of the Big Show. Then Sean began to pursue Shaw and belt champion in the heavyweight division. John Shaw won on SmackDown!, But the battles are not standing on the stake. However, at the celebration wrestling Battle Royal John flew from the ring is from the hand of Big Show. I mean he lost the right to fight with Shaw, but due to the large disassembly general manager, Paul Heyman, John was allowed the right to zone on a holiday wrestling Wrestlemania XX. Sin has left this prazdinka champion states. Booker T was the next contender, and after Sean accidentally knocked Kurt Angle out of his wheelchair for the show SmackDown! 8th July, Engle deprived of a young soldier of the American zone, and Booker became a champion as belt was vacant. Sean returned in November and quickly restored the American title, continuing to take revenge on his opponent Carlito. Kenzo Suzukibyl next challenger Sina, but was unable to wrest this title. Being the last man eliminated in the Royal Rumble, John hoped to exchange his belt State Champion in the battle against the WWE champion John Bradshaw Leyfildom. Orlando Jordan was able to take the belt through the intervention of American Champion Bradshaw. However, Sean was able to defeat Bradshaw for the holiday wrestling Wrestlemania 21. This is for the young wrestler was perhaps the greatest gift. Career of John Sina gradually increased, with his skill, he gains the upper hand over many wrestler. Perhaps this is the future, universal soldier, who did not disgrace the great federation. Now we do not even notice how gradually, the background leaving wrestler such as: Steve Austin, The Rock, Hulk Hogan. Of course, personally I feel sorry for this watch, but they just came in the person of the replacement Batista, Brock Lesnar, and of course John Sina. Well, let's see what will show the new update WWE, in the person of John Sina $$__ $$__$$$$$$___$$$$_____$$__$$_$$$$$ $$ $$______$$___$$___$$____$$__$$_$$ $$$_______
Интересы: ЯБЛОКО ДРУЖБЫ- ОТКУСИЛ ОТДАЙ ДРУГУ!!!!!!! _______________________$$$$$$ ______________________$$$$$$ ______________________$$$$ ______________________$$ _________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$ ______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ __$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ __$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ __________$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ____________$$$$$$$$$$$$ ______________$$$$$$$$__$ САЙТУ ИСПОЛНЯЕТСЯ 10 ЛЕТ. ОТПРАВЬ ЭТО СООБЩЕНИЕ 10 ДРУЗЬЯМ И У ТЕБЯ ПОЯВИТСЯ ЗОЛОТАЯ РАМОЧКА И ЦВЕТНЫЕ СМАЙЛИКИ. А ТАК ЖЕ ТЫ БУДЕШЬ ВИДЕТЬ, КТО ЗАХОДИЛ К ТЕБЕ НА СТРАНИЧКУ_______________________SVoooooooooV, ______________________SVVoooooooV, ______________________SSooooooooS, _____________________VVVoooooooooVS, _____________________SSoooooooooooo, ____________________oVoooooooooooooS, _____________________Voooooooooooooo, ___________________oVooooooooooooooo, ____________________VooooooooooVSSSS, _____________________Sooooooooo, ______________________Sooooooo, _______________________ooooooo, _______________________oooooooS, _______________________oooooooS, _______________________oooooooV, _______________________oooooooV, _______________________oooooooV, _______________________oooooooV, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________oooooooo, _______________________ooooooooS, ______________________SooooooooS, ______________________SooooooooV, ______________________SooooooooV, ______________________SooooooooV, ______________________SooooooooV, ______________________Vooooooooo, ______________________Sooooooooo, _______SVSS___________Vooooooooo, _____VoooooS__________Vooooooooo, ____oooooooV__________Vooooooooo, ___VoooooooV__________Vooooooooo, ___Voooooooo__________Vooooooooo, ___oooooooooVS________Vooooooooo____________SSSS
Любимые фильмы: Аватар (Класний фильмец СМОТРИТЕ ВСЕ)
Любимые телешоу: Папини дочки, Шастливие Вместе, Фабрика звёзд
Любимые книги: ДЕТИ ЛАМПИ 1. Никогда не устанавливайте незнакомые сторонние программы на свой компьютер. 2. Особенно опасны программы, которые заманивают Вас дополнительными возможностями работы с ВКонтакте (повышение рейтинга, якобы бесплатные подарки), мобильными телефонами (чтение чужих смс, просвечивание одежды) и т.д. 3. Никогда не переходите по подозрительным ссылкам, даже если получили их от друзей. 4. Прежде чем вводить свой пароль от ВКонтакте, удостоверьтесь, что вы действительно на нашем сайте. В адресной строке должно быть ( 5. Всегда используйте сложные пароли. 6. Соблюдайте эти предосторожности также и при использовании электронной почты - получив доступ к Вашему почтовому ящику, злоумышленник может заполучить и Вашу страницу ВКонтакте. Помогите своим друзьям, предупредив их
Любимые игры: Sims 3 $$_____$$___$$$$$____$$____$$______________ _$$___$$___$$___$$___$$____$$______________ __$$_$$____$$___$$___$$____$$______________ ___$$______$$___$$___$$____$$______________ __$$_______$$___$$___$$____$$______________ _$$_________$$$$$_____$$$$$$_______________ ___________________________________________ _$$$$$$$$___$$$$$$____$$$____$$___$$$$$$$$_ _$$____$$__$$____$$___$$$$___$$___$__$$__$_ _$$________$$____$$___$$_$$__$$______$$____ _$$________$$$$$$$$___$$__$$_$$______$$____ _$$____$$__$$____$$___$$___$$$$______$$____ _$$$$$$$$__$$____$$___$$____$$$______$$____ ___________________________________________ $$$$$$__$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$___________________ $$___$__$$_______$$________________________ $$______$$_______$$________________________ $$$$$$__$$$$$$___$$$$$$____________________ ____$$__$$_______$$________________________ $___$$__$$_______$$________________________ $$$$$$__$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$___________________ ___________________________________________ _$$_____$$___$$$$$$$_______________________ _$$$___$$$___$$____________________________ _$$_$_$_$$___$$____________________________ _$$__$__$$___$$$$$$________________________ _$$__$__$$___$$____________________________ _$$_____$$___$$____________________________ _$$_____$$___$$$$$$$_______________________ ___________________________________________
О себе: .......КОМУ Я КТО ....... 1.ТОВАРИШ??? 2.настоящий друг??? 3.просто друг??? 4.кориш??? 5.фанат футбола??? 6.игрок футбола??? 7.зе гейм батиста??? 8.приколист??? 9.любимый??? 10.фанат ..ШАХТЁРА..??? _УЧЕБНЫЙ________ГОД -- хождение по мукам. УРОК ФИЗИКИ -- 45 минут на бочке с порохом. ДНЕВНИК -- книга жалоб и предложений. ОТВЕТ У ДОСКИ -- прямой репортаж с петлёй на шее. БУФЕТЧИЦА -- сорока-воровка. КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ -- не имей 100 рублей, а имей 100 друзей. В РАЗДЕВАЛКЕ -- бородинская битва. СТОЛОВАЯ -- много хочешь - мало получишь. УЧЕНИЦЫ НА УРОКЕ -- спящие красавицы. УЧЕНИКИ НА УРОКЕ -- всадники без головы. ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА -- тайна 2ух океанов. ПРИХОД УЧИТЕЛЯ -- встать, суд идёт. УЧИТЕЛЬ И УЧЕНИКИ -- Али-Баба и 40 разбойников. УЧИТЕЛЬ ПЕНИЯ -- псих на воле. СОЧИНЕНИЕ -- записки сумасшедшего. ОБЩИЙ ПОБЕГ С УРОКА -- никто не хотел умирать. СПИСЫВАНИЕ -- дай бог скорости. ТОЧКА В ЖУРНАЛЕ -- что несёт день грядущий... ЗВОНОК НА УРОК -- гром гремит кусты трясутся. ЗВОНОК С УРОКА -- любимая мелодия. КАБИНЕТ ДИРЕКТОРА -- убойный отдел. КАНИКУЛЫ -- долгожданная свобода. КЛАСС -- семейка Адамс. КЛАССНЫЙ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ -- дрессировщик. ЛИНЕЙКА В НАЧАЛЕ ГОДА -- черный день. ЛОДЫРЬ -- герой нашего времени. МАМА ПОСЛЕ СОБРАНИЯ -- Терминатор 2. ОТЕЦ ПОСЛЕ СОБРАНИЯ -- Фантомас разбушевался. ПАРТА СО "ШПОРАМИ" -- сундук с золотом. ПЕДСОВЕТ -- много шума из ничего. ПЕРВОКЛАССНИКИ -- головастики. ПЕРЕМЕНА -- всемирная война. ПОДСКАЗКА -- пятый элемент. ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ ПАРТА -- дом отдыха. ПРОГУЛЬЩИКИ -- их знали только в лицо. РОДИТЕЛЬСКОЕ СОБРАНИЕ -- невиноватая я. СТАРОСТА -- собачья работа. СТОЛ УЧИТЕЛЯ -- пульт управления. СРЫВ УРОКА -- д
Любимые цитаты:
$$__ $$__$$$$$$___$$$$_____$$__$$_$$$$$ $$ $$______$$___$$___$$____$$__$$_$$ $$$_______ $$___$$___$$ _ __$$$$$$_$$$$$ $$_$$_____ $$___$$___$$____$$__$$_$$ $$__ $$____$$_____$$$______$$__$$_$$$$$ _______________$$$$____________ _____________$$________________ ____________$$_________________ _____________$$________________ _______________$$$$____________ $$__$$____$$$____$$$____$$$__$$___$$ $$__$$___$$__$$__$$$$__$$$$__$$__$$$ $$$$$$__$$___$$__$$__$$__$$__$$_$$$$ $$__$$__$$$$$$$__$$______$$__$$$__$$ $$__$$__$$___$$__$$______$$__$$___$$ ______$$$$$$__ _$$$$___$$$$$$_____ ________$$___$$____$$___ $$_______ ________$$___$$____$$___ $$_______ ________$$_____$$$$_____ $$_______ $$$$$$___ _$$$$______ $$$$$$ $$__$$__$$_____$$____$$_ $$ $$__$$__$$_____$$____$$__$$ $$__$$__$$_____$$__$$$$$$$$$$ $$__$$___ _$$$$____ $$______$$ $$__$$____$$$____$$$____$$$__$$___$$ $$__$$___$$__$$__$$$$__$$$$__$$__$$$ $$$$$$__$$___$$__$$__$$__$$__$$_$$$$ $$__$$__$$$$$$$__$$______$$__$$$__$$ $$__$$__$$___$$__$$______$$__$$___ $$

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