Fu Hua

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Дата рождения: 9 Февраля 1902
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: всё сложно
Город: Shanghai
VK: fu_hua_original
Личные интересы
О себе: Fu Hua has a stoic, aloof, and cold personality. She is very obedient, to the point where she still followed Dr. MEI even when she still was angry at her for Captain HIMEKO's death. However, she is kind and respectful to her friends and comrades, especially to Book Of Fuxi, Fuxi, Nuwa, Su, and even Kevin Kaslana. But after the 14th Herrscher defeated MOTH and the Previous Era Survivors awoke from cryosleep, she changed. She gained split personality due to her uncountable amount of memories, she was so duty bound she forgot to sleep and eat for days, and she became even colder. After Fuxi and Nuwa's death, Hua hated the Honkai so much to the point where she created a rule that she and her disciples had to follow: "No mercy for the corrupted. No quarter given." This seemingly simple rule ended up killing thousands of people and made many of Hua's disciples, such as Lin Zhaoyu, orphans. Hua also became very lonely due to the fact that she was immortal and all her friends died from old age, so she began to avoid people entirely. Hua was born in the slums during the Previous Era. Her father ran a dojo in the area, but as times changed so did people's perspectives on it. She stayed diligent to her training: running 1000 meters every morning and practicing the moves she had been taught. Even the day of a flight, she continued to keep her dedication. As she was doing her usual jog, she ran into family friends. Different topics came up, but it almost always circled back to the dojo and the new school she was going to. It just so happened today was her last day in her hometown— and that she was taking a flight to Sapphire to go to school. A man who knew her father told her to focus on getting a degree instead of worrying about the dojo. He also brought up that a rich man had interest in buying the dojo to replace it with a restaurant-— that this would be a good opportunity. Fu Hua said she had never heard of that— and reluctantly went along with what he said. After her training, she went to visit her father in the hospital. He had apparently been attacked by what appeared to be a zombie, and was now recovering. He was awake, however, and was excited to see her. Apparently Hua was supposed to be gone for 6 months for school— and he said he wanted to get a good look at her before she left. Her father then went on to tell her to just focus on school— to abandon training and try to get a career that would give her an actual future. She stayed silent. He sent her off gladly, saying he hoped she would make friends. She, in contrast, was quite miserable. Hua muttered to herself she probably wouldn't make friends at all. A week into classes, she woke up early out of habit. Lamenting the fact she couldn't jog, she went back to sleep. Hua walked alone to class. She overheard a girl talking about a recent zombie attack— but didn't know who said it. She asked around, but was met with scorn from her classmates. She finally found the student who mentioned it, but was openly mocked about her clothing. She left without asking anything. She was ostracized from her classmates. HIMEKO was corrupted and became the 7th Herrscher. Hua was the only survivor, which caused her to be shunned by others. Hua however, continued to fight on the front lines. But Hua was very affected by HIMEKO's death. In fact— she was infuriated. Secret of the God Keys Hua appeared in Secret Of The God Keys for a brief period of time. She seemed to listen to an order Dr. MEI was giving out and fought one of the 10th Herrschers. After the defeat of the 10th Herrscher, Hua was sent to neutralize some Honkai Beasts in Australia at the age of 17, along with other members of her squad, all armed with 10th divine keys. As far as they knew, this mission was a “test drive” for the weapons.

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