Everest-Expeditions Nepal

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Welcome to Nepal
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 8 Ноября 1986
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Kathmandu
VK: everestexpeditionsnepal
Место учёбы: Kathmandu University (KU)
Факультет: School of Management
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Статус: Абитуриент
St. Edmond's School
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: социалистические
Мировоззрение: Buddhism
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни: семья и дети
Отн. к курению: негативное
Отн. к алкоголю: негативное
Личные интересы
Деятельность: Trekking, Expeditions, Tours, Peak Climbing, Rafting and Many More .....
Интересы: Trekking, Expeditions, Tours, Peak Climbing, Rafting and Many More .....
О себе: Everest Expeditions Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Is established to give best services to the people who come to visit the Nepal, Tibet & Bhutan. It is one of best Expeditions leading Company in Nepal. Everest Expeditions Nepal provides all the facilities needed for hotel reservation, package tours, culture tours, trekking arrangements, peak Climbing, Expeditions, white water rafting, car rental and worldwide ticketing. The company's service will make valued guests enjoy a memorable stay in Nepal. Everest Expeditions Nepal staff team consists of well trained, experienced and down-to-earth professionals. Our qualified bilingual and multilingual guides speak fluent English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and other languages that will help you see, feel and experience Nepal. Everest Expeditions Nepal is committed to provide an integrated travel experience or lifestyle to customers with innovative and creative products through state of the art technology and a higher level of reliable customer service from a highly motivated & delegated team of professional & knowledgeable staff. This agency manages overseas events or conventions and provides other travel services for all delegates. Who is Everest Expeditions Nepal??? The Everest Expeditions Nepal team work from the knowledge that there is an undeniable fragility in our planet and tourism (trekking in our case) can have an impact either as a positive force for increased awareness and change, or as a contributor to cultural and environmental exploitation. Taking into consideration lessons learned from past experiences - the need for sustainable natural resources, cross-cultural exchange and, for tourist dollars to directly benefit the local economies through which they trek. We Offer Mountaineering Expeditions in Nepal, Peak Climbing, Trekking in Nepal, Bhutan Tours, Tibet Tours, India Tours and Tour in Nepal, Tours in Nepal, Himalayan treks information, hiking in Nepal, rafting in Nepal, Sikkim tours Jungle safari, Eco tourism, Nepal travel information and many more Adventure tours / Trekking in Himalayas countries.

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Александр БаденЮлия ТкачукАнна ЗабузоваЕлена ГоловановаЮлия ТеслаДарья СергеевнаЕкатерина ГорелкинаНаталья ЧернышеваИрина МаксименкоАнастасия Чернощекова-ЕрмоловичАнна КоробоваВалентина КотоваАнастасия ПавленкоНаталья ШараповаТамара ГамановаНаталья СваловаЯна ОвсянниковаСтанислав ПономаревЕлена КадарАрмен АкопянДмитрий СябаДиана БелкаАлексей ЛебедевНадежда КоляНаталья ВеличкоОксана ЗапаснаяСергей НиловAndreas FirstВалентина ГюльназарянAliye EmiralievaНадежда ГорловаИван Вязов-КалькоИнна КудрявцеваИнесса КулаковаАнна КомиссароваХураман ХудавердиеваТатьяна ЧистяковаКарина УманскаяАлександра ИбрагимоваВиктория ИвановаНиколай БелышАнастасия СтруковаАрктур КрымВера КоролеваDarishka SuvorovaОксана СтанкевичM A D IМаргарита ЛитвиноваНаталья МилевскаяАлёна СемёноваТома АйтемироваЮлия ФедоренкоНаталья АркадьевнаMeov MeovМарфа ПетровнаDELETED Александр БоевРезида СалимгарееваАлександра ЧайковскаяМарина МозговаяМаруся ОрловаАлла БорисоваSelena GomezАйдар БурхановЯсмина БессоноваFriendship-World TreksОксана СтепановаАнтон КузнецовЕвгения СамелюкNepal-Challenge TrekКамила ЮсуповаРухшона ВойтенкоИрина СавинаAntonio DukeРодные Стены СевастопольSaroj BhattaraiJosie BranМилена Фёдорова

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