Masae Nishira

Была в сети 00:33:00 14.12.2021 с телефона
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Город: Ōsaka
VK: id68053010
Место учёбы: 創価大学 (Soka University)
Год окончания: 2010
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: 仏教
Личные интересы
Деятельность: читать книгу болтать с друзьями гулять кушать
Интересы: Россия
Любимые фильмы: Мэг Райан
Любимые книги: Пушкин, Чехов, Блугаков, Тютчев, Толстой, Анна Ахматва, Шекспир.....и.т.д
О себе: уважаю вас.
Любимые цитаты:
人間とは自分とは関係がないと思われるような不幸な出来事に対して忸怩たることだ。 人間とは僚友が勝ち得た勝利を誇りとすることだ。       (Сант-Эгжупель) It was a fresh morning, after a rain. May in Moscow, at the dawn of a reborn Russia. " Let's go for a walk," I told my wife and the others in my party, and we stepped outside. Along the western wall of the Kermlin is an expanse of green called the Aleksandrovsky Gerden. There,trees and tulips,moistened by the recent spring rain, bathed themselves joyfully in the soft sunlight. Trees, flowers and blades of grass, turning to the eagerly awaited sunlight,seemed all at once to put forth the flame of life. The people were invigorated by their newly gaind freedom, and the Moscow spring glowed with vibrant energy. The color green is the color of life, the color of hope, and the color of peace. Green is the color of the 21st century. In the Russian language, the word for the world and peace is the same--mir/ Beyond a nearby stand of trees, I head children's voices. Oh, the human being! The ultimate end of all things(social). All things (social) are a means for the sake of the human being. Oh, the human being! The human being, of which Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Gorky sang prases! Pursuit of the totality of the human being which constitutes the wide underground current of the Russian soul― That is the prime point of all. ( Daisaku Ikeda)

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