Eshle Green

Была в сети 20:11:41 13.02.2010 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 21 Февраля 1987
Пол: Женский
Город: Academy Garden
VK: id69341548
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: индифферентные
Мировоззрение: You must belive!
Личные интересы
Деятельность: AshleyMGreene 1. Just finished the first day of "THE APPARITION". So Amazing!! Only messed up a few lines :) 12:55 PM Feb 1st from web 2. Make sure to vote! 2:56 AM Feb 1st from web 3. Start filming "THE APPARITION" tomorrow! Thank you to all of my fans for the love and support and for making this possible! Love you guys! 4:39 AM Jan 31st from web 4. How badly do I want an Apple IPAD? I already have an IPOD and IPHONE and a MacBook!! Apple is taking over my life. 4:50 AM Jan 30th from web 5. @QuesoCabesaKT4 MIss you too! Be home in 4 weeks! Mar is learning German before me!! 4:49 AM Jan 30th from web in reply to QuesoCabesaKT4 6. Having so much fun in Berlin! We start production in 2 days and I'm SO excited! 12:44 AM Jan 30th from web 7. It's three degrees in Berlin! How will I ever get better?? 11:21 PM Jan 25th from TwitBird iPhone 8. @carogarciaez of course!! 8:41 PM Jan 14th from TwitBird iPhone in reply to carogarciaez 9. Pretty 8:36 PM Jan 14th from TwitBird iPhone 10. Hahaha i heart you pretty RT @AndreaKelley Princess tranny sparkle. 8:17 PM Jan 14th from TwitBird iPhone in reply to AndreaKelley 11. Pretty pretty princess party with @quesocabesakt4 @elliebeltran @Andreakelley @Sarahstage @Marykaylove @hlindner 8:16 PM Jan 14th from TwitBird iPhone 12. I've gotten a lot of questions regarding international donations for the Red Cross Haiti Relief. has all the answers. 12:58 AM Jan 14th from web 13. Text "Haiti" to 90999 to send $10 to the Red Cross for their relief fund. Please do whatever you can in this time of crisis. 12:31 AM Jan 14th from web 14. I love NYC but it's 20 something here! Excited to be heading back home to LA. Land of sunshine and palm trees! 5:53 PM Jan 9th from TwitBird iPhone 15. Jimmy Fallon was amazing! Nick Jonas was as well... Def want to see him play a live show :) 10:43 PM Jan 8th from TwitBird iPhone 16. Tune in to @jimmyfallon tonight at 12:35 am est/pst to see photos from my new SoBe exciting! 9:23 PM Jan 8th from web 17. You're gonna be jealous of who's on falon tomorrow... 8:50 PM Jan 7th from web 18. @Elliebeltran awwwwwww little marmo and min! Tell them they aren't missing much! It's freezing in NYC! I want palm trees and sun shine! 8:43 PM Jan 7th from web in reply to Elliebeltran 19. Back in NYC! 8:38 PM Jan 7th from web 20. Everyone check on! I'm so excited my pics are finally up! 11:26 PM Jan 6th from web more
Интересы: How badly do I want an Apple IPAD? I already have an IPOD and IPHONE and a MacBook!! Apple is taking over my life.
Любимые фильмы: Having so much fun in Berlin! We start production in 2 days and I'm SO excited!It's three degrees in Berlin! How will I ever get better??
Любимые телешоу: @carogarciaez of course!!It's three degrees in Berlin! How will I ever get better??
Любимые книги: Hahaha i heart you pretty RT @AndreaKelley Princess tranny sparkle.
Любимые игры: Pretty pretty princess party with @quesocabesakt4 @elliebeltran @Andreakelley @Sarahstage @Marykaylove @hlindner
О себе: American actress and model Ashley Greene was born in the town of Jacksonville (Florida, USA) February 21, 1987. In Hollywood, moved to the age of seventeen immediately after school. Acting, she studied at the Lee Strasberg courses. Initially expected to make a career in modeling business, but its growth was not enough. On the advice of friends focused on studying acting and advertising business, with time to find out for yourself what this occupation she enjoys much more than it rejects the modeling industry, because of repeated attempts to return to the podium not done. In anticipation of the first roles, starred in music videos, periodically appearing in various television shows. The first role she performed in television series "Investigation of Jordan" (2001-2007), "substitute" (2003-2007) and Shark (2006-2008). Cinemascope debut Ashley took a secondary role in the comedy of Michael Cahill "My dad's crazy" (2007), in which the primary role played by Michael Douglas. Real success was the second work of Ashley Greene in cinema. The mystic melodrama "Twilight" (2008), which brought in Cinemas around the world a little less than $ 400 million, has brought international fame to all the main actors, including Ashley, who performed in the film one of the key roles. In 2009, the screens went out the second part of twilight saga "In November 2009 it became known that Ashley received a proposal to play in a new mystical film called" emergence ", which will begin shooting February 1, 2010. At the end of January 2010 on DVD comes a new film with Ashley in the lead role, which is called «Skateland».American actress and model Ashley 1990, when the number of moviegoers out of the newsgroup Usenet rec.arts.movies decided to index your FAQ, which contained at that time more than 23 thousand articles on approximately 10 thousands of movies and TV series. One of the founders of IMDb (and its current executive director) Number Needham wrote a number of UNIX-scripts to establish a database of films. It should be immediately pointed out that IMDb has always (even now) is strictly based on the software with open source. Then the base was called «rec.arts.movies movie database», the name of «Internet Movie Database» emerged later. Gradually base grew and improved technically. In 1993, the base appeared in the World Wide Web server at Cardiff University in Wales. Even then, the base was very popular on the Internet, the site was done in an average of 65 million queries per month. In January 1996 the company was formed «Internet Movie Database, Ltd», whose shareholders are the developers base. Despite the increasing popularity, the base remained a passion, a hobby - most developers have a different base permanent place of work. Soon exhausted the resources of the university database server and moved to dedicated servers in the U.S. and the UK. After a year of dedicated servers were already 9, but these facilities were not enough. Support base has become more difficult for the development of the site did not have enough resources. Several companies have offered to buy IMDb, but enthusiasts base did not trust them - these companies have seen in the IMDb is not a unique design for lovers of cinema, and a marketing platform. In 1998, IMDb contacted Jeff Bezos from the company «». He offered to buy the shares IMDb subject to the full preservation of universal free access to resources IMDb. In exchange for the investments he wanted to «» only the right to sell the released films through the site Since then, the collaboration began IMDb and «», because the latter were greatly expanded server capacity, the shareholders «IMDb Ltd» dividends are paid, many enthusiasts IMDb been taken to the state of the company, and hired new staff. Today is one of the few examples of successful interaction of big busin

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