Основная информация Дата рождения: 11 Июня 1992 Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: в активном поиске Контакты Город: Усть-Лабинск VK: id70178954 | |
Личные интересы Деятельность: Студент УСПК Интересы: Рэп культура и жизнь и что её окружает Любимые фильмы: Форсаж Любимые книги: Сталкер О себе: Студент УСПК ЖИВЁТ И РАДУЕТСЯ ЖИЗНИ ДОБАВЛЯЙТЕСТЬ И ПОЙМЁТЕ My way. Listen, if you had a unique possibility. To get a job about what you wished. You would take advantage of it? Our life it is intolerable it is melancholy. But if you the silent and kind person - though a wolf howl. And than further - themes is worse, at first the kid types a rage. He shouts and makes a helpless gesture and speaks behind what you it do? Students pursue it everywhere. At it the future and a nickname at it Smerk. It goes on road and he thinks of a life the good family, it any more the child understands that at it. Coming home itself inside emptiness hardly learns from it. And now be going to learn the truth. Its these students any more not nobility wish - it not from their herd. They were threw on the leader. That still the beginner and knows nothing. But all does as it it is necessary. Its rating grows I believe, it is all false as the world, my friend. But music plays. I will not stop and for the way I fight. Jokes if me to anger I will suffice I will lead itself on another. I will break loose, as a mad dog, I am was insolent, but now all mood has exchanged. To me hurt so much and did not look in my party, how many they so much joked lived. But I continue the song and I write words. Someone here, perhaps plays the leader parade cattle. The pain inside only amplifies from that consciousness. That I cannot provide a worthy life to the family. Because That I cannot provide a worthy life to the family. Because on faq the salary not to live tell please as then to live. It not cinema, and I not the genie. My hands have got tired feet are cold a body has got tired. Its vest yellow as well as it because to it it is bad from all it. Even mum forgets that it quiet. But in appearance it nervous and serious. To compose turnips to it it is difficult, he all time forgets a rhyme and words. Which itself also has told, friends laugh. It opens a mouth, but the hogwash turns out. All has forgotten? Friends neigh. Day has ended, the end, everything, give! Coming back to a reality, here gravity. And, here and Smerk, it is pale, it so harms. But it so easily does not surrender, at it does not leave. Having faced the house, he knows, it is nonsense, it like But it so easily does not surrender, at it does not leave. Having faced the house, he knows, it is nonsense, it like not the fool, and he it knows turnips it rescues. When it will return to college. It will be as if in the field with herd. All this life, catch good luck. Also hope, that this world will not fall and will not bury him under the fragments. Feel music. Do not miss the work when it is accessible to you. At you only one chance, do not miss the attempt. Such possibility only one. Is better to you to operate it would be time. Souls pass in a hell to you not to curtail any more back. It is difficult to subdue the world. Listen to me and we will go to a new world order. It is my life and it is not good. And every day all is more difficult to support children, yes plus to that to have to work. Take out though for feet. Probably, the only thing, that to me on forces-it to go further, while the house. I will not stop and for the way I fight. You can achieve all that will want my friend. Between a role of the father (and mothers). Drama of fathers and children, (I break already in all). Therefore I can not long remain in this crappy college where in group of herd of a fiend and to it of it a little. I should move ahead and on this way to remain. The following situation (has fallen and was gone) has led me to thought. I, as the robot should count each step. Or to appear in full dung or with kill faces. My unique exit-success, instead of failure. Mum I love you, but it is time to me to go to a way. Любимые цитаты: Война проходит не изменяются лишь солдаты The kindness and is angry
I go on a road and I think of that that will win kindness and angrily
But my history speaks about that that angrily has height and the kindness left and on ground has not come also all with itself has carried away
I look on the people and in see in them animals because they
Have evil and the fearlessness lowest отродье from them remained
Current flesh and blood which сжирают our pleasure and kindness and well the angels move them to fire we shall win war
I understand the friends and they me and this - most important
Mutual understanding and love and others are hidden behind masks of evil at them there will be no chance they will die also us never почтут
We should live and not тужить and with it отродьем лясы to not grind and that they will kill and in water you will incur(carry)
Live in сторонке be itself you the angel and they angrily чти itself on them do not look from them leave
Come помолись that you lived and continued the way
Money is angry they губят you when them many - here fact no money you is dead therefore the doctors for money will rescue you and in hospital will attribute(relate)
If you are rich you will kill from a pistol will beat and on a cemetery will not bring Nobody has the rights to deprive you of life
You the man and at you are the rights and law which you have got from life
Though there is one but if you are honour such will not take place
But if to play with fire it is possible to receive a spark
And then to pay for it will come you
Be cautious оставайся wise and artful
Hope for the friends and native and on itself
I shall tell a history of the militarians
You идёшь in army be separated from family
And you one against the grandfathers and enemies and маршалов
You think will stay here
The general will spit in you and will say to you yes there was you
Where a native land е ё просрали and for money the brother have sold
You идёшь on war where to your friend have shot caviar
Also be afraid of bullets it not jokes be hidden the brother
You have surrounded беги and the friend protect
Come back to the general he will raise you
But you another you want home to be with the wife
Coming back home you see the wife not one and send вс ё to deep дну And now you should present in what world you живёшь
Also hope that before wedding доживёшь understand herd will swallow you and with a shish kebab съест you
It is necessary to survive it is necessary to struggle to live and on the malicious people to drive
I for kindness who for me lift hands if you hear these words
The love kindly will win and angrily on fire this text though and without a rhyme but with sense will burn down
My name is Смерк I the angel the keeper рэпа and goods
I know evil бесит you but believe they сдохнут when the end will come
We shall stay to drink water from pure(clean) water and let god the brothers mine stores(keeps) us
We not победимы and we for kindness and each century have balance in him
I think me will understand and angrily we will damn also we shall soar
Light will bear(carry) force and the darkness will leave and never will come
And we shall stay one to bear(carry) kindness to the people behind
The happiness will surround us and the failure will leave
I understand your ideas you want goods
Be not afraid to show it(him) I shall understand you
As you learn(find out) that from me inside soul of the angel of goods good-bye while