Ульяна Махнёва

Была в сети 16:28:32 24.02.2015 с телефона
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 17 Августа 1985
Пол: Женский
Город: Киев
VK: id70699738
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We do not appreciate that alongside often, while it will not lose..We repeat over and over again itself, that can without it treat.But heart, not reason..not to deceive him..Leaving we promise somewhere, that will not return..but is it really possible to go away, leaving a heart? we delete a telephone, knowing that he forever will remain in memory..We search something new, knowing that without old not able to live..We talk so much words..and want to say only "I so love you"... *** Sit with me alongside, Hold for some time for a hand, And prolong as possible longer, Sweet flour, Flour ...

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