Дианки Партизанки

Была в сети 17:49:59 13.12.2021 с телефона
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 11 Октября
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: есть друг
Город: Елабуга
VK: id71441019
Место учёбы: Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne
Факультет: Travail et Etudes Sociales, AES et Droit Social
Форма обучения: Заочное отделение
Статус: Выпускница (магистр)
Год окончания: 2016
№ 9 2005-2016 класс "в"специализация: мы учимся в самой прекрасной школе на свете, а все остальные школы нам завидуют.Ведь это только у нас, после фразы привет, говорят ;пикец суперский прекид;.Это только мы, пройдя по коридору, можем поцеловать боллее ста человек))

Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: либеральные
Мировоззрение: Бог и вампиры
Личные интересы
Интересы: Интересуемся реальными пацанами))) __________________________68888.__________________, _______________________.8888888881________________, ______________________8888888888888_______________, _____________________.88888888888888_.____________, _____________________88888888888888885____________, _____________________888888888888888888.__________, ____________________8888888888888888888888._______, ____________________8888888888888888888_.88588____, ________________888888888888888888888888._________, _______________6888888888888888888888858._________, _______________88888888888888888888888868_________, ______________8888888888888888888888888.__________, ___________._888888888888888888888888885__________, ____________8888888888888888888888888588._________, ____________88888888888888888888888886881_________, ___________68888_88888888888888888885___._________, __________.8888..8888888888888888888______________, __________.8888__8888888888888888888______________, ___________88888_6888888888888888888______________, ___________.8888._888888888888888888______________, ____________:8888.8888888888888888888...__________, _____________688856888888888888888888886__________, ______________6888888888888888888888888888________, _______________888888888888888888888888888________, ________________8888888888888888888888888_________, ______________..8888888888888888888888885_________, _______________88888888888888888888888888_________, ______________688888888888888888888888888_________, ______________88.88888888888___8888888881_________, ________________88888888888_.__.88888888._________, _______________18888888888______68888888__________, ______________.8888888888..______8888888__________, ______________8888888888.________8888888._________, _____________.888888888__________.8888886_________, _____________.88888888____________8888888_________, _____________68888888____________.8888888_________, _____________8888888.____________._888888:________, ____________8888888._______________8888888._______, ___________.8888888________________:888888________, ___________6888888__________________6888886_______, __________.888888.___________________888888_______, __________6888888____________________888888.______, __________8888885____________________.888886______, __________888888______________________888888______, __________888888______________________888888______, _________588888________________________88888______, _________88888_._______________________88888______, _________88885__________________________8888______, _________8888___________________________8888______, ________.888.___________________________6888______, ______..8888____________________________88888.____, _______.6888____________________________8888_.____, ______._88888.__________________________8888:.____, ________8888.__________________________88888______, ________8888__________________________588888______, ________88888________________________888888.
Любимые фильмы: Все кроме романтики)
Любимые телешоу: ООООО их оч оч много)))
Любимые книги: Мы не умеем читать)
Любимые игры: Моргалки и всякая херня*
О себе: Мы красивые,прикольные,общительные девчёнки))) Очень сложно быть блондинкой, Милой девочкой-картинкой. Пить Мартини вместо водки, Разговаривать про шмотки, Тратить деньги на блестяшки И всегда носить в кармашке Мятный Орбит для дыханья, Чтоб заслуживать вниманья. Одеваться очень модно И вести себя свободно. Не читать хороших книжек, Чтобы не пугать мальчишек. Группы "Корни" быть фанаткой, На юрфак попасть со взяткой, Штукатурить нос слоями И мечтать пожить в Майями, Путать цепь причин и следствий... Пероксид - причина бедствий...... =))) Я иду налево) Я иду направо Я ведь Королева Я имею право!!! `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````S$S8So`````````````````````````````````` ```````````8S``S8So`````````````````So```````````` ````````````S8```oSSSo`````````````S88o``````````` `````````````88``````S8o```````````$oo$o`````````` ``````````````$o```````88`````````o8``o$o````````` ``````````````o$````````o8S``````o$````o8o```````` ```````````````SS`````````S8So``o8o``````8S``````` ````````````````$```````````oS888`````````8S`````` ````````````````o8`````````````So``````````$o````` `````````````````8o````````````````````````o8````` `````````````````o$o````````````````````````8S```` ```8SSSSSo````````o8````````````````````````o$```` ```o$o``ooSSSSSSSSS8`````````````````````````SS``` ````o88```````````````````````````````````````$o`` ``````o8o`````````````````````````````````````o8`` ````````88``````````````````````````````oSSSSSS$S` `````````o8`````````````````````````SSSSS``````8S` ``````````o$o```````````````````o SS8o``````oS88o`` ```````````o8S```````````````o88So`````o8SSSo````` `````````````S8o``````````oS8S`````oSSSo`````````` ``````````````o$o````oSSS8So````oS8S`````````````` ````````````````888SSSo``````S8SSo```````````````` `````````````````ooSSSSSSSSSSo```````````````````` ``````````````````````````````````````````````````
Любимые цитаты:
Да поможет нам F1, да сохранит нас F2, во имя Ctrla, Alta и святого Deleta....Enter! В человеке всё должно быть прекрасно: и лицо, и одежда , и душа , и мысли!-А.П.Чехов. Девушки как розы, красивые снаружи,но у каждой свои шипы))). Когда тебя кто-то любит - это как будто твое сердце завернуто в одеяло. Disease-crafty thing! I do not look at you, I admire you, I love your eyes! I agree that I love, I agree that I hate! t's not cool the whole life ahead! Lord, I made so many stupid things! Lord, what people are ready for love!? Fall in love is painful! I am so I am, I'll never be another! I realized that I at least someone but still need you! I realized then that I am sincere, strong and divine! Something I do well and something bad, and it is not the fault of my parents is my fault that I did not watch over themselves! Yes I am with the character but what do I do? "Oh so what I already born will not change no one except true love! My life is a tale that is a comedy action movie, the general horror! Tale is something mysterious, comedy something funny, action movie is something of war, the horrors of something terrible !=))) I could not come into being without my roditeley.i now I am very grateful! I believe that as long as long as my life is a fantastic comedy! Maybe someone I bother, but I know that I am! I am weak but I'm pretty! I know that I'll find my love I believe in it! I am sure that my buduyuschaya half will believe in me. I'll be bold I'll be nice I wish I will be merry I'll be shorter than the coolest! In 11 years I have learned to believe in myself, I learned to keep my word. I think that if people are jealous of each other, or who was silent during the meeting this and IS LOVE! If I miscall means I also the same. If you are a girl or a boy, in any sections, then on you will all laugh, all you will be called names, examined on their own experience. If your boyfriend or your girl wants to wear what would you (a) what he wants (a) you have time to tell you I am not a stylist. If you and your couple kissing hug it is not love, love it when anyone else is jealous of you, or when the meeting is not zdarovaetsya. If you decide to (a) to end their lives think about why do you need? First, create a cause then to die but you still do not umresh.Ty many have not yet spent (a) and already want umirat.U each person has his own date of death. And he would die in his date of death. I want to say this, but do not want to mogu.I'm that would close were you but you do not mozhesh.Chto do you love druguyu.Ya don `t know how to say this to you alone. Together we can all of this motto every other kompanii.No in fact, no one can live in peace and soglasii.Potomu that everyone in the company has its own enemy, all someone does not love everyone someone to hate. How to tell a man something that you love him? "This issue reaches every devushku.Prosto not declarations of love a man so he will be still more you can not navidet.Luchshe jealous of him, and when the meeting is not zdarovaytes!

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