Marija Ristovska

Была в сети 12:27:12 23.01.2018 с телефона
Мир не создан для умных. Он создан для упрямых и крепколобых, которые не держат в голове больше одной мысли одновременно.
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 25 Сентября
Пол: Женский
Город: Киев
VK: id72248623
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: Christian Orthodox
Личные интересы
Любимые цитаты:
-Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. -To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. -Life is a tough teacher; first it gives you the test and later the lesson. -For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. -One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching. -We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path. -When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. -Don't worry about life; you are not gonna survive it anyway. -The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.)))

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