Kathryn Skadoske

Была в сети 05:24:03 14.12.2021 с телефона
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Пол: Женский
VK: id7309239
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: *fuck*
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Деятельность: The names Katie. I have an amazing boyfriend named Jakov Ante Sunara! So boys back the fuck off me i got my baby boy! I have the perfect life and my girls that got my back. I'm tiny and very clumsy at times but i make it though out the day. I dislike many girls but i know i got my girls. I've made alot of mistakes in my life, I've learned from each and every single one of them. I live by staying true to my friends and cherishing time. I will do anything to succeed in the future, nothing will get in the way of that, I have plans and i want to see the world. I'm a simple girl with a very big heart I stay true to myself, and ill stay true to you. I'm fun and I'm very silly well according to my sister I'am bahaha! Loving someone has no boundries. Distance, family members, nor friends, will stand in the way of something so beautiful. We have that something beautiful. Ive shed out so many differnt paragraphs to describe this boy, and to let him know im in love with him and not going anywhere. But sometimes, it takes more than just writting. It takes communication, understanding, and patience. i have all the time in the world, to tell him everything that needs to be said. but ive realized, that sometimes time, plays horrible games. no matter how long ive been with this boy, 2 months, 8 years or only 9 months. i know that im stopping with him.I dont ever want to experice life with another. the rest of my life is planned around him and for him. I will give anhything for him. and MORE. Ive never been so possitive. Jakov Ante Sunara. We have both been through hurt. We have both been through a hard time. But we have learned our lesson. And i never gave up. I told you I wouldnt let you go if my life depended on it. And i meant that. Theres nothing i want more than to be by your side forever, and help you make the most important desicions in life that you have to make, and even the easiest. I want to hear about your day, and I want to make you smile from ear to ear. Ill do nothing but try my absoltule 456789567890678907890 percent to show you that, too. Im sitting in a room, made up of only things that remind me of you. Theres no where id rather be, but in your arms. Or sitting at home waiting for your call. My eyes have opened wide, and Ive always known that your the only one. Your my one and only love. Youve given me chances, ive given you the same. Theres never to many chances to fix something that everybody knows is perfect. Lets just be happy. And let me love you more than anything. I promise you ill do a good job. I trust you. My heart is yours, forever. Your my soulmate, my absolute angel. And no one will see what i see in you. I love you more and more every time i talk to you, and wayy more everytime i see you. I know we can make this work. Since day one, you were my papa, and since day 2 you were my everything. Now just imagine what you mean to me, after nine whole beautiful months of spending with you. Words cant even begin to explain nor describe. No one can see the bond that we have, only we can. Who cares if other people cant see it. Sure, say we fight. Say were no good together, but no one knows what happens when were alone. when were alone, its like everything in front of you and behind you goes completly blurry and all i see is you looking at me. Anything can be going on around me and i wouldnt even give it a look. Your too important and special, for me to not pay as much attention as i ever possibly could to you. I gave you the key to my heart. And i know youll never let it go. Just let me show you all the love i ahve for you and dont give up on me. because ill never in my life, give up on you.<3333 Weve started fresh, and its going to be a really good thing
Интересы: Some people go through life wondering- Who am i going to be with in 10 years? .5.07 I have the benifit of knowing that already. Baby, i dont know what i would have done if i wouldnt have met you. You gorgeous, your talented, and you love me more than anyone has My baby jakov.<3 Hes everything ive always wanted and have looked for in a boyfriend. 6 months now, and i couldnt be happier. Hes the worlds best boyfriend, and ever loved me in my life. <3 I love you with everything i have. You make me smile when im the saddest, and you know thats the hardest to do. Ive done things with you i would have never pictures myself doing with a person. Ive opened myself up to you, and only you, know the real Katie. No one else, but you. Ill express my love for you for the rest of my life. I know we'll be together forever, and i wouldnt have it any other way. You amaze me punkin. Im the peanut butter your the jelly ;) together we so nummy :DD. I love you babyboy. Ill always go the extra mile to make you know forever, how much i fucking love you. 7.5.07 baby for= eternity<3 <3 Only here to make new friends
О себе: WELCOME TO MY PAGE (; My name is Katie. And i have everything I could ever possibly want. I could give a shit less what you think of me. I have fun Im a chill girl If im live, feel free to come in and talk :D DONT; FUCKING FLIRT WITH ME!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE WHO I WANT. IM COMPLETLY SET, I DONT WANT ANYONE ELSE OTHER THAN HIM. SO DON'T TRY ME. <3 AND If im not on my stickam, ill almost always be on with him. ;) YES, I did used to have a myspace. http://www.myspace.com/kathrynskadoske

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