Time Movie

Был в сети 04:56:39 11.09.2023 с телефона
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Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: London
VK: time.movie
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О себе: Gathering the whole family together for movie night can be a wonderful experience – or it can be downright dreadful. It really comes down to the movie itself. But finding a film that satisfies every age group represented on the couch is no easy task. Make the right pick, and you’ll create a warm, fuzzy memory that’ll live somewhere in the young’uns’ subconscious for a lifetime. Choose poorly, and the evening can end in a flurry of tears, insults and slammed doors.  But don’t fret. It is possible to find a movie that everyone agrees on, and we’re here to help. Among these 50 picks on this list, you’ll find a mix of animated masterpieces, enduring classics  from Hollywood’s Golden Age, live-action adventures stretching across generations and comedies that’ll make both grade schoolers and grandparents laugh at the same time. Whatever floats your family’s boat, throw on one of these flicks and you’ll be a hero.

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