Master Mind

Был в сети 23:21:19 25.05.2010 с браузера
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
Семейное положение: не женат
Город: Dalian
VK: id83120650
Место учёбы: 大连医科大学 (Dalian Medical University)
Личные интересы
Деятельность: like clubs like friendships
Любимые фильмы: God father Australia sherlock holmes, scent of a women catch me if you can, terminal twilight
Любимые книги: Guyton and Hall hey hey it"s a medical book but like is like...........
Любимые игры: football badminton
О себе: ~ I don't love studying, I hate studying. I like learning. - I don't dream to be the greatest person in front of strangers, but I dream of becoming a great someone in front of loved ones.
Любимые цитаты:
- I don't wish to be the greatest leader for people; but, I wish to be the greatest follower I can be to God - I know that I am usually patient and tolerant, but there are certain instances when I cannot and will not accord tolerance. - I know that you cannot unlearn things; that you cannot stop knowing someone; that you cannot become big without starting small; that you cannot lose something you never had. - I know that loving is a partnership of the heart and mind--that the act becomes complicated when you either let your mind rule entirely, or neglect it entirely... same goes for the heart. - I am the soul who can rise against conventional establishment , the illumination of my thought can be discernible through the darkest Veil. - I can break down the barriers of Nihilism , cross the hurdles of cynicism & can come across the depths of pessimism because i believe in Supremacy of ALLAH (S.W.T) .... -I am a person who is in constant search for life's meaning--the kind that I can live by, breath in, and die with. Whatever meaning that is, I know it will ultimately bring me closer to the Alpha and the Omega. - I believe in ONE GOD, I believe respect and acceptance leads to coexistence

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