Elzyata Badmaeva

Была в сети 16:31:45 28.12.2024 с iphone
Pineapple Clothing
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Город: Miami
Skype: Elzyata Badmaeva
VK: id838085
Место учёбы: СГЮА (бывш. СГАП, СГЮИ им. Д. И. Курского)
Факультет: Институт прокуратуры РФ
Форма обучения: Очное отделение
Год окончания: 2008
Личные интересы
Деятельность: With a lifetime of combined experience in the fashion business, the Allure Showroom is where you will find the latest fashions for today modern women and men. Our vision is to provide the best service to each individual customer offering the last trends, and inovative lines in the market. The staff at Allure Showroom works both the domestic Market and Foreign countries. In Allure Showroom you can see the last collections from: - BACCIO COUTURE - SAVEE COUTURE - ABYSS BY ABBY - SARA BOO - PARIDES

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