For Fuck

Был в сети 15:25:50 10.02.2012 с браузера
Основная информация
Пол: Мужской
VK: id901117
Факультет: Зато вареники любят кушать меня.
Школа вечерняя: 1-ая вахабитская 2000-2013 класс "ф 2"
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: монархические
Мировоззрение: Fear is your only god
Личные интересы
О себе: Mate, I'm smart as fuck. (c)              ┏━━━━━━━┓      ┏┫     ||||  ┣┓  ┏┓  ┗┫━━ ┃ ━━┣┛  ┏┓  ┃┃   ┃ ━━━━━ ┃   ┃┃ ┏┫┣┳┓ ┗━━━━━━━┛ ┏┳┫┣┓ ┃   ┃           ┃   ┃ ┗━━━┛           ┗━━━┛
Любимые цитаты:
******************************************* "А у меня нет мозгов и я с гордостью заявляю вам об этом. Вслух! Мне их вполне заменяют мои кошачьи инстинкты." "... на хую моем шевелится вся твоя невъебенная флейва..." "Your anger is a gift." "You can't stop what's coming, it ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity." "Бывают люди, которым знание латыни не мешает всё-таки быть ослами." "Whoever approaches Me walking, I will come to him running; and he who meets Me with sins equivalent to the whole world, I will greet him with forgiveness equal to it." "I suppose it would have been more politically correct to kill the women and minorities first." "It is good to be a cynic — it is better to be a contented cat — and it is best not to exist at all. Universal suicide is the most logical thing in the world — we reject it only because of our primitive cowardice and childish fear of the dark. If we were sensible we would seek death — the same blissful blank which we enjoyed before we existed." "I will kill you so hard you will die to death." "No it's not. It's fucking Sunday. And I've got to go to fucking work! In four fucking hours! Because every other fucker in my fucking department is fucking ill!!! Now can you fucking see, WHY I'M SO FUCKING ANGRY?!?!" *******************************************

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