Основная информация Дата рождения: 21 Февраля 1987 Пол: Женский Семейное положение: не замужем Контакты Город: Jacksonville VK: id90122920 | Образование Место учёбы: Jacksonville State University Jacksonville Christian Academy 1993-2005 |
Жизненная позиция Полит. предпочтения: умеренные Мировоззрение: Catolic | Личные интересы Деятельность: I am actress!!!! Интересы: I love to play in different movies and listen to music!!!!! Любимые фильмы: Radio Free Albemuth (2009) Skateland (2009) Summer (2009) Warrior (2009) Новолуние / The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) Сумерки / Twilight (2008) King of California (2007) Desire (2006) (сериал) Акула / Shark (2006-2008) (сериал) Расследование Джордан / Crossing Jordan (2001-2007) (сериал) Любимые телешоу: http://clck.yandex.ru/redir/AiuY0DBWFJ4ePaEse6rgeAjgs2pI3DW99KUdgowt9XvqxGyo_rnZJr3DNPK1rPMPsE_1Ph_SbRXs_4opohx40TtgGru9iUUi_00PS73hr3SBcBExn_xbUycrLReuTsftVkVV4X2JkX5oPlmgsE1ta9EUhH_Qaar-?data=UlNrNmk5WktYejR0eWJFYk1LdmtxbzdCUEtMTFJ1S3dGV0xydGpLN1E5aHdTb2hWdTRLOEt1d3V5VHVfSXZxc0lINlZQcGx6azJMXzlmTDFFWXBmSXBNWkpLbV9Ndm5BSXNYak5DRm42alRGRWFNNUJiNnVSNFpvY2pfaDQxWmdsWkZmNFlNUkRxRTRKOTdIWmlMSVVYbUJtR1hDdWlXRw&b64e=2&sign=f5ef198d4d23651a3e25266ec7ef2b7e&keyno=0 Любимые книги: Twilight Любимые игры: I dont like computer games О себе: Life American actress and model Ashley Greene was born in the town of Jacksonville (Florida, USA). In Hollywood moved into the age of seventeen immediately after school. For all the time Green with anyone not met. In one interview she said: "My mom wants me to have a young man, but I and my managers are against it. (Laughs) ". August 11 after a prize «Teen Choice Awards» Ashley was spotted paparazzi with a young actor Chace Crawford Kissing in the car. Herself an actress and Chase is not commented, and then never been seen anywhere together. [Edit] Career Green studied acting at the Lee Strasberg courses. Initially expected to make a career in modeling, but its growth was not enough. On the advice of friends focused on studying acting and advertising business, with time to find out for yourself that this activity she likes more than a fashion business, because of repeated attempts to return to the podium not done. Ashley Greene at the Los Angeles premiere of The Fifth Dimension; Mann Theater, Westwood, 29 January 2009 pending the first role starring in music videos, periodically appearing in various television shows. The first role she performed in television series "The investigation of Jordan" (2001-2007), "set up" (2003-2007) and "Shark" (2006-2008). Cinematic debut Green was held to a secondary role in the comedy of Michael Cahill "My dad crazy" (2007), the main role in which Michael Douglas played. Real success was the second job Ashley Greene in a big movie. Mystic romance "Twilight" (2008), which brought in Cinemas around the world a little less than $ 400 million, has brought worldwide recognition to all stakeholders, including Greene, who performed in the film one of the supporting roles (the vampire Alice Cullen). In 2009, the screens came continuation of the "Twilight" - "Twilight. Saga. Moon. In November 2009 it became known that Green received a proposal to play in a new mystical movie called "Ghost" (born «The Apparition»), together with the actor of "books about Harry Potter" by Tom Felton, shooting of which began on Feb. 1, 2010. At the end of January 2010 in the USA Film Festival "Sundance" is a movie premiere «Skateland» Ashley Greene in the title role, but due to filming the movie "Ghost" (born «The Apparition») is not in attendance. In May 2010, when it came time to sign a new contract for participation in the film "Twilight. Saga. Dawn Green and her managers have refused to star in the film due to the small fee. Company Summit Interteyment "said that Green could easily be replaced in the film itself, she demanded $ 4.000.000 million for the shooting. May 19 was officially confirmed that Green still will act in the movie "Dawn", for which he earned $ 2.000.000 (for the first part, the film consists of two). June 3, 2010 AVON the company said that Green has become their new face. [Edit] Filmography Movies Year of the Russian language in the original role 2005 My dad is crazy King of California McDonald's 2008 Otis Otis Kim Twilight Twilight Alice Cullen Radio Free Albemuth Radio Free Albemuth Honda 2009 Twilight. Saga. New Moon The Twilight Saga: New Moon Alice Cullen Blood 2009 Summer Summer Summer's Blood [main role] 2010 Warrior Warrior Brooklyn [main role] 2010 Haunting The Apparition Kelly [main role] 2010 Skeytlend Skateland Michelle Barkham [main role] 2010 Twilight. Saga. Eclipse The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Alice Cullen 2011 Twilight. Saga. Rassvet.Chast a The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.Part an Alice Cullen 2012 Twilight. Saga. Rassvet.Chast 2 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.Part 2 Alice Cullen TV Year of the Russian language in the original role 2001-2007 Investigation of Jordan Crossing Jordan Ann Rappapor Любимые цитаты: Восхищается Одри Хэпберн и любит фильм «Завтрак у Тиффани» (Breakfast At Tiffany's).
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