Основная информация Пол: Мужской Семейное положение: всё сложно Контакты Город: Forks VK: id93767256 | |
Жизненная позиция Мировоззрение: Верю в свою семью | Личные интересы О себе: I was born in 1843 in my home state of Texas. Twenty years later, I was changed into a vampire by a woman known to few as Maria. She and the other two members of her clan (Nettie and Lucy, who are also vampires) transformed me into the being I am today. Believe it or not, I served as a Major in the Confederate army during the Civil War. The vampire family that changed me in 1863 was very different from the Cullens in their dietary habits –- they fed off humans. I became depressed over my way of life and soon enough, I sought something better. My search led me to Alice in 1948, which in turn led me to Carlisle in 1950, a mere two years later. Carlisle taught us about his “vegetarian” lifestyle, meaning that we drink from animals and not humans. Surviving off animals is extremely difficult for me, but I manage to do it with Alice’s continuous love and support. I’d do anything for her. It is extremely difficult for me to be around humans, and going to school certainly doesn’t help. But I naturally manage for Alice, of course. I use the last name of Hale because Rosalie and I look so much alike, and because people assume us to be twins. We, as a family, tend to go with whatever the humans are willing to believe, making it easier on us. Rosalie insists on using Hale as a last name, and therefore, I took it as mine, too. Anything to make our living as smooth as possible. My life had little meaning until I found Alice. I discovered a sense of peace I never knew existed. Adjusting to such a lifestyle-- of never harming humans again-- is extremely difficult, given my history. I still struggle much more than the others to control my urges. Sometimes, I lose control, and it is in those brief moments that I no longer possess my ability to think rationally. It is the pure hunger of the animal that I once was that takes over entirely. It was, unfortunately, with Bella that I had my most recent "slip up". I came very close to attacking her and I still, to this day, am unable to suppress the guilt. One small paper cut was all it took. A tiny trickle of blood. The amount of shame and embarrassment I felt was indescribable. But it is Alice that always keeps me grounded. I know that I could not battle this weakness without her. Despite my desire to leave my past behind me, my skills in combat recently became surprisingly useful. When our family was threatened by a newborn army lead by the very vengeful Victoria, the others looked to me to learn how to effectively fight a newborn vampire. Even the werewolves found my training useful. Thus, we were able to successfully defeat Victoria and her followers. |