Svetulik Zotova

Была в сети 05:36:40 06.12.2011 с браузера
Основная информация
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: влюблена
Город: Москва
VK: id95827869
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Личные интересы
Интересы: basketball, tennis, swimming, walking, play in PC
Любимые фильмы: many do not even list FAQ
Любимые телешоу: hate them
Любимые книги: think I read them
Любимые игры: --------
О себе: cheerful and energetic girl loves ice cream and not Navidi uroi
Любимые цитаты:
School life - war and peace. ACADEMIC YEAR - ordeal. PHYSICS LESSON - 45 minutes on a barrel of gunpowder. DIARY - a book of complaints and suggestions. REPLY by the board - live coverage with a noose around his neck. Verification - not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends. In the Locker Room - The Battle of Borodino. CANTEEN - many want - get a little. Student of the lesson - the sleeping beauty. STUDENTS FOR LESSONS - the Headless Horseman. Map - secret 2uh oceans. Arrival of the Master - to stand, the court goes. Teacher and Student - Ali Baba and 40 thieves. Works - Diary of a Madman. TOTAL FLIGHT of the lesson - no one wants to die. Cheating - may God speed. POINT in magazines - that is the coming day ... CALL FOR LESSON - thunder shaking the bushes- psychos on the lesson they ride!. CALL of the lesson - a favorite melody. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR - slaughter department. HOLIDAYS - long-awaited freedom. CLASS - The Addams Family. Class teacher - trainer. Line early in the year - a rainy day. Slacker - the hero of our time. MOTHER AFTER ASSEMBLY - Terminator 2. FATHER AFTER ASSEMBLY - Fantomas huffed. , The Party "spur" - a chest of gold. Pedsovet - much ado about nothing. Benita - tadpoles. CHANGE - the World War. HINT - the fifth element. The last game - rest home. Absentee - they knew only by sight. Parent - An innocent I am. Old age - a dog's work. TEACHER'S DESK - remote control. Failure Lessons - long live the revolution. NOTEBOOK Excellent - Dictionary. TOILET - shpargalkohranilische. STUDENT WITH CRIB - a man with a gun. STUDENT NO CRIB - The Headless Horseman. TEACHER - a tough nut. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - a treadmill. CRIB - rescue service. FIRE SCHOOL - Shine clear that it had not gone out )))))))))))))))))

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