Основная информация Пол: Женский Контакты Город: Praha VK: onoszko | Образование Место учёбы: НГЛУ им. Н. А. Добролюбова Год окончания: 2015 Школа № 186 «Авторская академическая школа» (НААШ) 2000-2010 |
Жизненная позиция Главное в жизни: наука и исследования | Личные интересы Любимые книги: The Winter Market by William Gibson, Ask a Foolish Question by Robert Sheckley, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison, Freewheeling by Charles de Lint, They by Robert Heinlein, Divining Light by Ted Kosmatka (хаха), Умберто Эко, Хорхе Луис Борхес, Курт Воннегут, Герман Гессе, Грег Иган О себе: www.goodreads.com/onoszko "In the end, he had to admit, he didn't really understand her. He didn't understand women. He didn't understand men. He didn't even understand children very well. All he really understood, he thought, was himself and the rest of the universe." ― Iain Banks, The Bridge |