Виктория Нойкина

Была в сети 09:27:33 31.10.2014 с android
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 5 Апреля 1995
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: влюблена
Город: Москва
Skype: upon whom, Toth knows
VK: love_vikyca
Место учёбы: ТГПУ им. Толстого
№ 1
Жизненная позиция
Мировоззрение: Православие
Личные интересы
Интересы: Black color, personal diary, music, painting, psychology, photography, b / w, boys, fragrances, soap bubbles, discs as decoration, figurines, books, philosophy, poetry, Russian, indigo, parents, friends, school, university, animals, laughter, emotions, movies, music videos, new channel, disco, sea, tanning, shopping center, second hand, cemetery, fear, high heel shoes, acrylic on fabric, Naroscheny nails, jewelry, silver, names, dream interpretation, portrait, silence, Night clubs, summer, shops, the smell of matches, strawberries, whipped cream, sun, life, cappuccino, men's perfume, rain, look in your eyes, lie down at 5 am, French, roller coasters, music, sun, night, lilies, money, black handles, the people that make me happy, green tea, honesty, birthday gifts, late, get angry for no reason, watch men's magazines tsvety
О себе: independent, likes to be the leader (the company), more like the freedom and when I was in no limit and trust. I do trust you, and she did not cheat. hate lies = / shopaholic, to seek his own, can not imagine my life without the Internet and computers in particular, emotional, positive, sometimes with inert. can easily find a common language with people, I have a great sense of humor. I like to talk more than listen, sometimes even very annoying, but never interrupting, because I have respect for all others. quick-tempered, but I was easy to approach. quite clever, and modest :) I can give advice, because wanted to become a psychologist) do not follow the words. is not easy for me to apologize. remember people in person, the names do not remember at all. conceited, I love to meet new people and chat, and when I appreciate the surrounding. if I'm on a good - always pay the same. often commit folly, but the mistakes alas I do not study, so step on the same looting sooo good. especially for friends) sympathetic. I like to give good :) I do not sit still, and never I bring the matter to an end and it's bad. More often bad bastard, ie there is no patience. very jealous, possessive and a bit selfish. I love funny noisy companies and meet new people. and watch a movie. extremely sentimental, ie easily brought to tears, but then also easily laugh after 5min. crazy, family practitioner, and easy othodchivy, no relation to the people, but often return to the past. easy to make friends with me, but I can easily hurt, too, minus)) I do not think what I am saying is I regret. I like to photograph and be photographed. principled, proud, sometimes lazy, happy, from nothing to a few times. not vindictive, forgive quickly, is easy to get into the situation and understand what's what. can rely on me, I'm a great friend. loyal, faithful, keep secrets, but to gossip about nothing too much. I can be different: an innocent little girl or a bitchy sexual woman) and I can just be yours. by mutual desire.

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