Miley Cyrus

Была в сети 16:03:39 24.04.2013 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 23 Ноября 1992
Пол: Женский
Семейное положение: есть друг
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id124630293
Место учёбы: Los Angeles Music Academy
Факультет: Guitar
10th Street Elementary School 2002-2004
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Мировоззрение: ok
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни: слава и влияние
Отн. к курению: компромиссное
Отн. к алкоголю: компромиссное
Личные интересы
Деятельность: I am an actress and singer.I am a little girl-madcap. And completely not such womanly person, as in a serial. I love sports, bicycles and motorcycles — here my style. Long time I was engaged in a diving, and only having received a serious trauma have decided to try the forces in an actor's trade. The father has taught to sing me, I move — thanks sports! — it is excellent. But by the time of tests for this role has already ended courses of actor's skill. So all in life is interconnected. And still I like to hang out in the street. My mum always speaks:« Майли, you sometime will ruin yourself »because I am afraid of nothing. We with my younger sister like to drive on bicycles. All say that it very abruptly. We together, potter and fight for fun. While I can force to laugh someone, I don't care that it can be sick. I can run, somersault, run into walls until my sister laughs and has fun, — I am simply happy. I consider that my better quality — ability to be the good friend. It is not important, whether you gather in marriage or give birth to children whoever you were, remain the good friend. I to it was taught by parents — they my best friends. Still I always considered myself modest. Besides, I force people to smile. Here three things of which I very much am proud. In me billions defects! Often I speak, before I think. I unduly self-confident, but in it am also the pluses. Happens, but I at least descended on a graduation party from one of my best girlfriends. Was very cheerful to gather and dress up. That evening all was fine, but I have thought:« It is good that I not at this school because I am not entered this environment ». Generally I was late — when have come, remain only twenty persons. And it is fine, on the other hand, all the same I hate the final. About yes! Certainly! After all for this purpose they also are written. The best way to understand, what music is pleasant to you, — to write her. Yes, at me six birds, two cats, fourteen horses, hens, the cows, five dogs and five small fishes. I love all of them! I love parties. Still I love is tasty to eat, watch TV or films on DVD. Once we with the girl-friend have bought 20 disks and looked them all the day. However, everyone a pair of clocks rose, drank coffee or had a bite, and then came back and watched the following film. However, now I am going to celebrate the 16 anniversary. It happens only time in life, therefore I want to go into a class party in Californian"Disneyland". There will be my most favourite attractions, dialogue with friends, fireworks and many other things. Certainly, I will accustom to drinking some the songs. I was born in Nashville, Tennessee, singer and actress, the rest can be found on my website Hello Everyone) I am fond of music, acting and many others) I love to walk or spend time with my friends and especially with Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and my best sister Brandy)
Интересы: : I love music and everything connected with it, I love to write their fans, but not often as little time on the Internet cycling, swimming, shopping, cheerleading, singing, guitar, writing songs, coffee, photograph, Ryan Cabrer As I have said I am interested in music, friends, beautiful boys and chocolate)) More than anything, I love chocolate)
Любимые фильмы: "The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody" and "Emperor's New School" Laguna Beach, Steel Magnolia's Favorite Movies with Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston, camp rock
Любимые телешоу: No . Favorite stars Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston America's Next Top Model
Любимые книги: That I read often and a lot) Books especially romantic passion of mine and disease) Not having read book to the end I did not sleep) Even before the concert, I sometimes read books)
Любимые игры: I do not play games (I already did like 18 years) Me for my husband's time))
О себе: I like to buy to myself new fashionable things – especially clothes, however campaigns behind purchases deliver unpleasant sensations: it appears, from shopping I have a headache. About me My favorite drink: Jamba Juice Favorite colors: pink and lime green Favorite Sports: cherliderstvo Favorite Food: Chinese Favorite foreign country: Italy / France Favorite season: Summer Favorite things: writing and mathematics Favorite animal: dog Favorite sound: rain Favorite ice cream: Cake Batter and Cheese Cake Favorite food: cookies Favorite candy: stardust and dots Favorite cereal: Lucky Charms Favorite clothing store: Nordstorm Favorite flavor: vanilla Favorite actor: Tom Hanks Favorite sweet: sug Favourite shoe: Converse, Kookburras, Forever21, heels of Prada and knee-boots of Frye. Favourite perfumes: Dior Miss Dior Cherie, Marc Jacobs Daisy, Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile. Favourite color: blue, violet (purple). Favourite meal: pumpkin pie. Favourite sweetnesses: fruit jellies of Dots, peachy rings and bruins of gammi; kesh'yu is in sugar. Favourite ice-cream: ice-cream with a thin captain. Darling Tick-tack: green and lilac. Lyubymyy drink: Fuze. Favourite holidays: Christmas, Day of Thanksgiving.
Любимые цитаты:
"As soon as I step on stage, nothing matters. I do not think of it as work, it's as much fun." "I sang on stage with my dad when I was 2 years. I sang the song 'Hound Dog' and other silly songs for fun. " "I'm a big fan of Hilary Duff!" My family loves it. " "Music - that's Sanchez I breathe, I love to do. It makes me feel alive." "I love to sleep. I would have slept all day if I had the chance." "When you write or sing a song that means something to you, you say, 'You know what this is?" This - is who I am' " "I am writing in my dreams. I do not know how, but I'm starting to write song, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, you already know how to finish it." "If you believe in yourself, you always will succeed" "I think my dad is much steeper than the others, because she acted as if he 17" "I am my mother's daughter" Pink is not just a color, this way of thinking! * "Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you've got to keep moving" - Albert Einstein - I'm not able to - Get plenty of confidence, Oliver! - Well, I'm sure that I can not! (Hannah Montana) - Do something lost. - What? - His dignity. (Hannah Montana) О себе: All that the ground I said) If you need somebody else ask)) Love))

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Денис БейгуленкоДианка БеликСемен ВолковАлия ВалиеваДаша РусановаЛеся КозловаСаша ЧашкинКсюня СмирноваДаша МельниковаВалерия БыковаАлександра МакедонскаяЮля ПилипівВараздат МнацаканянАртём ТроицкийАлексей МостовщиковЛерка НовиковаNatalia NanoМаша КожушокЕкатерина АстафьеваЛинка СебертДіма АндрощукДима ПрасловMarisa VilinskayaДаша АндроповаКристина МерекинаДарья ФейзулаеваМарина ФилипповаКсения МартыноваКоля СадовМарина АбраменкоДилярочка БашканМатвей АбрамовВероника ПозивнаяГлеб СинотовАлина БасалаеваМария АлмазоваАлина AлининaМарина АндрекинаЮлия КосковаНиколай ГлуховДаник ВороновМакс ДолматовКсюша ОктябрьскаяРита ХоружийЛена СафароваГригорий СемёновКристина АндрееваВалерия ТатишвилиАнна ИорданскаяMad CreatorМария ТерскаяМакс МакаровАлександра ПашковаЛерочка СимоноваЯна ШалудькоРоуз МакгоунЯна КрасноплахтычАлександр АлександровSelena GomezАлександр АбрамовТома ДолматоваПолина ЛодаАртем ВардзерКира ΗиколаеваАлёна ДьячковаАня АлексееваМия КолесниковаАрина ПимановаДаша МохитоваРуслан ШарифуллинКатя ЖигаловаАлександра ГеккельМаксим ЗаворотовЭлис КалленАнжелика МироноваНастюха Чибисова(митрофанова)Ира ТретьяковаДашуля ПотысьеваНаталья ТерешкинаМайли СайрусDiman TracersHomebodies ThehomebodiesАртём НестеровМаша КирилловаЮля ТрачикDaria LoginovaКристина ВахтоминаВероника БулановаВалерия ИвановаАндрей ДемяниковВладимир ШироковЮлия ВоронинаMiley CyrusАльма БеккетРегиныч О.оИрина ЩаповаМакс БарреттАйгуль ЛутфуллинаТатьяна ЧудаковаСевиль ПашаеваМария МаховаЗахар ДаниленкоSelena GomezЮлия БелявскаяLiza MorozСофия ИсаеваDELETED Егор БогомольскийДжози ЛоренЮра ФеделешАнастасия СиваеваВалерия КорнееваDemi LovatoMiley CyrusSelenka GomezAlechka DollyЯна МалининаНекит КуперМайли СайрусАртем ГригорьевНика ДолматоваНикита МеркурьевMiley Ray-CyrusJustin BieberВаня ИвановJustin BieberNick JonasПавел СмирновChelsea StaubСоня БеляеваПолина ИшметьеваНюта БайдавлетоваНикита ИвановNicholas JonasАлина ДановаКейт ПоляковаКатюшка ПавловаAshley TisdaleNicole AndersonКиря ДолматовZachary «zac efron»Николай КабановМария КотоваМарина ΜитрофановаТаня ГрейпфрутоваКэт РипперскаяАнтон ДацкевичРитка ЛаймоваCole SprouseAshley TisdaleЮличка МоскалёваЯрик РомановChelsea StaubВероника СоколовскаяХанна МельниковаЛизка ДолматоваАлёна ДолматоваЛиза МанушкоКонстантин ПанковМайли СайрусИра АнтонюкАлёна КерсановаАлинка ДолматоваMiley CyrusSterling KnightJoe JonasЕлена ГилбертНаташа КононоваОля ПоляковаSelena GomezMiley CyrusИрина МальцеваDavid HenrieДиана НепокрытыхDemetria LovatoСтерлинг НаитNick JonasMiley CyrusМарян СабовNika DolmatovaChapel MiloraPolina DolmatovaНаташа РотарСаша МоргинНастя СиваеваНикита ВасильчукКрис МамедоваMiley Cyrus```Никита ЗабугаJoe JonasВера ΜихайловаCole SprouseGia MantegnaBella SwonКсенька БерезнёваНикита МалинНика ПановаDemi LovatoAshley TisdaleОлеся СанниковаJustin BieberLionel MessiДжо ДжонасМария ВласоваНаташа ПшеничниковаKristina SplitМайя МайороваСемур ГаджиевДжастин БиберВіталій СабовVik StarКатюня ЦодикИрада ИсмайНика КотоваNicole AndersonDemi LovatoMiss CyrusАлина ТиховаАлександра ТихомироваОля ЗоринаНастя МамаеваЮляшка МилашкаДаня ШолоховNoah CyrusМилана МилецкаяАртём ШайдулинАртём ВетровКатерина ПетроваLizochka KuzminaSelena GomezНика ВишневскаяМаксим ФишерКира СизоваNick JonasАмид РахмановТёма ТраховАлександра ПарфёноваАндрей ТерещенкоАлександр АбрамовНикита ЯкубаМаксим ШадэDemik LovatoDELETED Юля ВилкинаNikita RomanovАрина РаймерMiley CurusМаша КоноваленкоАрина Чеснокова

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