Miley Curus

Была в сети 14:32:32 29.12.2011 с браузера
Основная информация
Дата рождения: 21 Ноября 1998
Пол: Женский
Город: Los Angeles
VK: id142870995
Жизненная позиция
Полит. предпочтения: умеренные
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Личные интересы
Деятельность: I am an actress and singer.I am a little girl-madcap. And completely not such womanly person, as in a serial. I love sports, bicycles and motorcycles — here my style. Long time I was engaged in a diving, and only having received a serious trauma have decided to try the forces in an actor's trade. The father has taught to sing me, I move — thanks sports! — it is excellent. But by the time of tests for this role has already ended courses of actor's skill. So all in life is interconnected. And still I like to hang out in the street. My mum always speaks:« Майли, you sometime will ruin yourself »because I am afraid of nothing. We with my younger sister like to drive on bicycles. All say that it very abruptly. We together, potter and fight for fun. While I can force to laugh someone, I don't care that it can be sick. I can run, somersault, run into walls until my sister laughs and has fun, — I am simply happy. I consider that my better quality — ability to be the good friend. It is not important, whether you gather in marriage or give birth to children whoever you were, remain the good friend. I to it was taught by parents — they my best friends. Still I always considered myself modest. Besides, I force people to smile. Here three things of which I very much am proud. In me billions defects! Often I speak, before I think. I unduly self-confident, but in it am also the pluses. Happens, but I at least descended on a graduation party from one of my best girlfriends. Was very cheerful to gather and dress up. That evening all was fine, but I have thought:« It is good that I not at this school because I am not entered this environment ». Generally I was late — when have come, remain only twenty persons. And it is fine, on the other hand, all the same I hate the final. About yes! Certainly! After all for this purpose they also are written. The best way to understand, what music is pleasant to you, — to write her. Yes, at me six birds, two cats, fourteen horses, hens, the cows, five dogs and five small fishes. I love all of them! I love parties. Still I love is tasty to eat, watch TV or films on DVD. Once we with the girl-friend have bought 20 disks and looked them all the day. However, everyone a pair of clocks rose, drank coffee or had a bite, and then came back and watched the following film. However, now I am going to celebrate the 16 anniversary. It happens only time in life, therefore I want to go into a class party in Californian"Disneyland". There will be my most favourite attractions, dialogue with friends, fireworks and many other things. Certainly, I will accustom to drinking some the songs. I was born in Nashville, Tennessee, singer and actress, the rest can be found on my website Hello Everyone) I am fond of music, acting and many others) I love to walk or spend time with my friends and especially with Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and my best sister Brandy)

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